First Regular Session Sixty-ninth General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO INTRODUCED LLS NO. R13-0981.01 Jane Ritter x4342 HJR13-1028 HOUSE SPONSORSHIP Young and May, SENATE SPONSORSHIP Aguilar, House Committees Senate Committees Public Health Care & Human Services Legislative Council HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 13-1028 Concerning creation of an interim committee to study the system of long-term services. WHEREAS, The Colorado Community Living Advisory Group, appointed through Executive Order 2012-027, is charged with considering and recommending improvements to the Colorado long-term services and supports system to ensure responsiveness, flexibility, accountability, and increased options for self-direction; and WHEREAS, Subcommittees of the long-term care advisory committee determined that certain basic values must underlie system redesign and communicated that position to the Colorado Community Living Advisory Group; and WHEREAS, The Colorado Community First Choice Council in the department of health care policy and financing supports and endorses the same values; and WHEREAS, Recognizing these basic values would result in a transformed system of long-term services and supports for all eligible children and adults; and WHEREAS, A redesign of the long-term services and supports system is necessary and needs to work from the recommendations made by the groups named in this resolution, as well as input from interested stakeholders; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixty-ninth General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the Senate concurring herein: (1) That there shall be a legislative committee, hereinafter referred to as the "committee", that shall meet in the interim after the first regular session of the Sixty-ninth General Assembly to study and analyze ways to redesign the system of long-term services and supports, using the core values recommended by the Colorado Community Living Advisory Committee and others; (2) (a) That the committee shall consist of 8 members, appointed as follows: (I) Two members of the House of Representatives who serve on the Public Health Care and Human Services Committee, one appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; (II) Two members of the Senate who serve on the Health and Human Services Committee, one appointed by the President of the Senate and one appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (III) Two additional members of the House of Representatives, one appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives and one appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; and (IV) Two additional members of the Senate, one appointed by the majority leader of the Senate and one appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (b) That the individuals making the appointments shall make appointments to the committee within 45 days after the effective date of this resolution; (3) That the committee may solicit and accept reports from the Colorado Community Living Advisory Group and public testimony and consider any regulatory or statutory changes on the issue of redesigning the long-term services and supports system in Colorado; (4) That the committee shall meet no more than 6 times during the 2013 interim in October. Each meeting of the committee must include an opportunity for public comment on items related to the committee's agenda; (5) That the committee shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations, including specific recommendations for a redesigned system of long-term services and supports, to the Public Health Care and Human Services Committee of the House of Representatives and the Health and Human Services Committee of the Senate, or any successor committees, on or before December 15, 2013; (6) That any member of the committee may sponsor legislation recommended for introduction by the committee, subject to the limitations imposed by the Joint Rules of the House of Representatives and the Senate regarding interim committee legislation; (7) That the members of the committee shall not be compensated for attendance at meetings of the committee; and (8) That the staff of the Legislative Council and the Office of Legislative Legal Services shall be available to assist the committee in carrying out its duties.