SENATE Final Reading May 5, 2011First Regular Session Sixty-eighth General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO ENGROSSED LLS NO. R11-0515.01 Ashley Zimmerman SJR11-015 SENATE SPONSORSHIP Kopp, HOUSE SPONSORSHIP McNulty, Senate Committees House Committees Transportation SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 11-015 Concerning the opinion of the General Assembly against the Federal Highway Administration regulation that amends the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. WHEREAS, The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), contains the national standards governing all traffic control devices; and WHEREAS, All public agencies and owners of private roads open to public travel across the nation rely on the MUTCD to bring uniformity to the roadway, and the MUTCD plays a critical role in improving the safety and mobility of all road users; and WHEREAS, In November 2010, the FHWA asked for additional public comments on the MUTCD regulation that will require changes to street sign retroreflectivity levels and initial-capped lettering, which is intended to aid aging drivers and increase safety on America's roadways; and WHEREAS, Many states and local governments across the country are concerned about the expected cost associated with these required changes to road signs and consider such changes to be unfunded mandates from the federal government; and WHEREAS, These unfunded mandates come at a bad time, when most Americans and local governments have tightened their belts and cut costs while struggling to get through the recession; and WHEREAS, By requiring these changes to street signs on not only interstate roads and highways but also on county roads, the federal government is overstepping its boundaries into what should be an issue for local governments; and WHEREAS, The deadline for additional comments on the regulation was extended to the end of January 2011 to allow for further public comments, and this deadline should remain extended until economic conditions improve; and WHEREAS, United States Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood spoke out against the changes in November 2010, saying "I believe that this regulation makes no sense. It does not properly take into account the high costs that local governments would have to bear. States, cities, and towns should not be required to spend money that they don't have to replace perfectly good traffic signs...There have got to be better ways to improve safety without piling costs onto the American people."; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Sixty-eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the House of Representatives concurring herein: (1) That the General Assembly believes the regulation to change street signs is a local issue, and the FHWA will be overstepping its federal authority in implementing this regulation; and (2) That the General Assembly encourages the FHWA to put this regulation on hold for at least three years, to review the actual costs to be incurred by local governments across the country, and also to consider tabling the regulation indefinitely. Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to United States Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and the members of Colorado's congressional delegation.