2010 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 10-048 BY SENATOR(S) Shaffer B., Bacon, Boyd, Brophy, Cadman, Carroll M., Foster, Gibbs, Harvey, Heath, Hodge, Hudak, Johnston, Keller, Kester, King K., Kopp, Lundberg, Mitchell, Morse, Newell, Penry, Renfroe, Romer, Sandoval, Scheffel, Schultheis, Schwartz, Spence, Steadman, Tapia, Tochtrop, White, Whitehead, Williams; also REPRESENTATIVE(S) Primavera, Acree, Apuan, Balmer, Baumgardner, Benefield, Bradford, Casso, Court, Curry, DelGrosso, Ferrandino, Fischer, Frangas, Gagliardi, Gardner B., Gardner C., Gerou, Hullinghorst, Judd, Kagan, Kefalas, Kerr A., Kerr J., King S., Labuda, Lambert, Levy, Liston, Looper, Massey, May, McCann, McFadyen, McNulty, Merrifield, Middleton, Miklosi, Murray, Nikkel, Pace, Peniston, Pommer, Priola, Rice, Riesberg, Roberts, Ryden, Scanlan, Schafer S., Solano, Sonnenberg, Soper, Stephens, Summers, Swalm, Tipton, Tyler, Vaad, Vigil, Waller, Weissmann, Carroll T. CONCERNING RECOGNITION OF MILITARY PERSONNEL FROM COLORADO WHO SERVED IN THE VIETNAM WAR AND HONORING THOSE WHO WERE INJURED OR WHO DIED WHILE SERVING THEIR COUNTRY. WHEREAS, The Vietnam war was fought in the Republic of South Vietnam from 1961 to 1975, and involved North Vietnamese regular forces and Viet Cong guerrilla forces in armed conflict with United States Armed Forces and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam; and WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces became involved in Vietnam in order to provide direct military support to the government of South Vietnam in defending itself against the growing Communist threat from North Vietnam; and WHEREAS, As a result of the Gulf of Tonkin incidents on August 2 and 4, 1964, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7, 1964, which gave authority to the President of the United States to prosecute the war against North Vietnam; and WHEREAS, In 1965, United States Armed Forces ground combat units arrived in Vietnam; and WHEREAS, By the end of 1965, 80,000 United States troops were in Vietnam, and by 1968, the number peaked at approximately 543,000 troops; and WHEREAS, On January 27, 1973, the Paris Peace Accord was signed, which required the release of all United States prisoners of war held in North Vietnam and the withdrawal of all United States Armed Forces from South Vietnam; and WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces completed the withdrawal of combat units and combat support units from South Vietnam by March 30, 1973; and WHEREAS, On April 30, 1975, North Vietnamese regular forces captured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, marking the official end of the Vietnam war; and WHEREAS, More than 58,000 members of the United States Armed Forces, including 611 Coloradans, lost their lives in Vietnam, and more than 300,000 members of the Armed Forces were wounded; and WHEREAS, In addition, over 2,500 members of the United States Armed Forces were listed as Prisoners of War or Missing In Action, including 41 Coloradans, 27 of whom remain unaccounted for; and WHEREAS, In 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in the District of Columbia to commemorate those members of the United States Armed Forces who died or were declared Missing In Action in Vietnam; and WHEREAS, More than 7 million members of the United States Armed Forces still alive today, including 138,667 Coloradans, served their country during the Vietnam era, according to the Denver Regional Office of the federal Department of Veterans Affairs; and WHEREAS, Because the Vietnam war was such an extremely divisive issue in the United States, a generation of veterans has waited much too long for the people of this nation to acknowledge and honor the service and sacrifices of those veterans; and WHEREAS, Ninety-seven percent of Vietnam veterans were honorably discharged, 91% say they are proud to have served their country, and 87% of the public now holds Vietnam veterans in high esteem; and WHEREAS, The State of Colorado has yet to set aside a time specifically to "welcome home" and honor those Coloradans who served in South Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era and who, to this day, are such assets to their communities; and WHEREAS, The need for a formal recognition of the return of veterans from the Vietnam war is as important now as ever, not only for those veterans who served but for all citizens; and WHEREAS, April 30, 2010, marks the 35th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Sixty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the House of Representatives concurring herein: That we, the members of the Sixty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Colorado, hereby: (1) Recognize, honor, and express our appreciation to all those individuals from Colorado who served in the Vietnam war, including those who were wounded and those who died in service; and (2) Designate April 30, 2010, as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" in Colorado. Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, the United Veterans' Committee of Colorado, Project Sanctuary, and the Colorado Congressional delegation. ____________________________ ____________________________ Brandon C. Shaffer Terrance D. Carroll PRESIDENT OF SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE THE SENATE OF REPRESENTATIVES ____________________________ ____________________________ Karen Goldman Marilyn Eddins SECRETARY OF CHIEF CLERK OF THE HOUSE THE SENATE OF REPRESENTATIVES