
Electronic Mailing List - CCUSL
You can automatically receive via email, information or notifications for the CCUSL mailing list from the Staff of the Colorado General Assembly.

To subscribe to the CCUSL email list for the following information, complete the online subscription form or send an email to GALIST@STATE.CO.US and type in the message body "SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME YOURNAME". (Omit the quotation marks, and be sure to replace the YOURNAME portion above with your own name and the LISTNAME with "CCUSL", the list that you wish to subscribe to.)

You may cancel an existing electronic mail subscription by completing the online signoff form or following the instructions received after subscribing to a list.

About the CCUSL email list :

Subscribe to the CCUSL email list

Fill in the form below to automatically subscribe to the CCUSL email distribution list.
All selections and entry areas below must be completed for your subscription request be be successfully submitted. Upon submission, you will receive a Electronic Mail confirmation request.

Enter Your E-Mail Address:
Enter Your Name:
Signoff from the CCUSL email list

Fill in the form below to cancel your current subscription to the email distribution CCUSL list.
All selections and entry areas below must be completed for your existing subscription to be successfully cancelled.
Your E-Mail Address Here: (Note that you must enter your email exactly as it was entered in your original subscription for this request to be processed successfully.)