Committee Discussion


Action Taken:

03:38 PM -- Committee Discussion

Senator Windels began the discussion by noting that subsequent meetings would not be joint meetings, and that the task force would be free to work on its own.
She also noted the deadlines for requesting bill drafts for interim legislation. She announced that the committee's meeting on Tuesday, September 27 would be the deadline for requesting bill drafts. The committee will review and approve any interim legislation at its October 18 meeting.

03:43 PM

Senator Windels reviewed a tentative schedule for upcoming meetings and asked for feedback from committee and task force members. Ms. Middleton said she felt that it may be helpful to receive information on trends in federal funding. In response to Senator Windels' question, Ms. Urschel said that there may be a need to look at changing demographics in school districts, particularly any available reports on the status of parents and children. She commented that reports from the Colorado Children's Campaign may be helpful. Senator Tupa said that an update and the context of the current lawsuit would be helpful to him. He also requested information on the impact on school finance if Referenda C and D do not pass in November. Ms. Urschel commented further on the outlook if Referenda C and D do not pass. Senator Anderson requested current data on funding for preschool and kindergarten students and tracking of students to assess programs. Ms. Rainey commented on information that may be helpful. Ms. Newell requested information on K-12 funding sources. Senator Anderson discussed K-12 funding sources and the impact of school finance on the General Fund.

03:52 PM

Senator Windels discussed August 2nd agenda items. Senator Bacon said that he does not want the committee to have a narrow vision and to discuss what a first-rate education would look like and to look progressively at school finance issues. Senator Windels said that she hope to receive information from the task force in regard to these issues. Representative King expressed interest in issues surrounding the movement toward universal proficiency and the impact on the dropout rate. He raised questions as to what the fiscal impact on the state would be if the dropout rate changed significantly.

04:01 PM

Senator Windels reviewed a charge to the task force (Attachment G). She walked through the task force charge, discussing each item. She said decisions about how the task force will conduct its work will be left up to the task force members.

04:07 PM

Ms. Urschel raised issues concerning task force support, data, and research. Senator Windels said that she hoped that the task force can be drivers, as experts, and can prioritize items in the task force charge. Senator Windels expressed her appreciation to the task force. She discussed options for interim legislation or for potential legislation that would be carried by individual members. Ms. Rainey requested that information made available to the committee be made available to the task force. Senator Windels requested that the task force select a chairman as a point of contact.

04:17 PM

The task force discussed the chairmanship of the task force. Mr. Murphy was elected chairman of the task force, and Ms. Rainey was elected the vice-chair.
The task force discussed meeting dates. The task force set an organizational meeting for July 28 and tentatively discussed meeting on committee meeting dates. The meeting concluded with the task force's planning discussion.