

Action Taken:

02:49 PM -- Senate Bill 05-006 - Concerning the Collection of Taxpayer Debt

Representative Schultheis, prime sponsor, explained the provisions of the bill and distributed a handout on professional licenses granted by the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) (Attachment G) and a fact sheet on Senate Bill 05-006 (Attachment H).

The following persons testified:

03:03 PM -- Mr. Don Mielke, Colorado Chiropractic Council, testified in opposition toward the bill. Mr. Mielke commented that this bill allows an agency to take away a professional license without judicial intervention (final agency determination).

03:16 PM --
Mr. John Hershey, Office of Legislative Legal Services, clarified provisions in the bill regarding the role of the agency to decide on whether a debt is owed to the state.

03:22 PM --
Mr. Greg Mechen, State of Colorado, Department of Personnel and Administration, Office of Central Collection Services, testified in support of the bill and commented that it would work as yet another tool for the state to collect taxpayer debt.

03:50 PM -- Mr. Geoff Hier, Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), testified in support of the legislation and commented on DORA's role in the regulatory process under the bill.

In order to address the due process issues discussed by the committee and allow time for drafting additional amendments, Representative Vigil, Chairman, pulled the bill off the table.

03:55 PM
