BILL SUMMARY for HB05-1176


Action Taken:

02:13 PM -- House Bill 05-1176

Representative Merrifield, prime sponsor, introduced House Bill 05-1176, which expands statutory provisions concerning the reporting by incumbents and elected candidates of the receipt of gifts, honoraria, and other benefits. He provided a Colorado Common Cause review of the bill and its intent (Attachment A). He responded to committee questions. Representative Merrifield indicated that, as the bill relates to public speaking, the bill focuses on speeches given by public officials in their role as public officials. He did not believe the bill addressed the professions of legislators when they were conducting business in their respective vocations.

02:29 PM

Committee members indicated that this type of bill appears to impugn the integrity of the General Assembly. Representative Merrifield responded to further questions. He believes the intent of his bill is reasonable.

The following people testified:

02:37 PM --
Cynthia Nelson, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill. She indicated that she takes issue with the gifts received by politicians. She responded to committee questions and comments. Committee discussion continued. Representative Crane stated that each year, legislators' gift disclosures are reported by the newspapers. He asked if either the witness or Representative Merrifield could identify a specific example of excessive gifts.

02:54 PM --
Christine Watson, representing the League of Women Voters, spoke in support of the bill. She indicated that this bill addresses the issue of the public's perception that gifts by various interests to politicians curry favor. She believes this would help put more objectivity into the political process.

03:04 PM

Representative Merrifield concluded his remarks.

03:05 PM

Representative Weissmann, Chair, laid the bill over until February 15, 2005, for action only.