BILL SUMMARY for HB05-1192


Action Taken:

02:02 PM -- House Bill 05-1192

Representative Soper, sponsor, described the provisions of the bill concerning a requirement that a local government approve termination of certain planned communities (see Attachment A). He also responded to questions from the committee regarding the process for a homeowners association (HOA) to disband.

The following persons testified on the bill:

02:05 PM --
Robert Coney, Adams County, spoke in support of the bill. He also responded to questions from the committee regarding the responsibility of a local government to provide services to communities after an HOA disbands, such as road maintenance.

02:19 PM --
Pat Ratliff, Colorado Counties, Inc., spoke in support of the bill.

02:25 PM --
Gary Tobey, Legislative Action Committee of Community Association Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill and he proposed an amendment to limit the applicability of the bill (Attachment B).

02:32 PM --
Mr. Coney returned to explain that the bill had been reviewed by the Adams County Attorney.

02:34 PM --
Jerry Orten, Community Association Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill.

02:39 PM

Testimony was closed. Representative Soper moved to amend page 2 of the printed bill, line 8, to allow a planned community to be terminated if the local government is notified. In a response to a request for a ruling, the chair ruled that the amendment does not fit under the title of the bill.

02:42 PM

The bill was laid over until Tuesday, February 15, for action only.