

Action Taken:
Move Amendment L.007 (Attachment D). The motion pPass Without Objection

02:31 PM -- Senate Bill 05-034

Representative Boyd, the prime sponsor of SB 05-034, Concerning a Ban on Alcohol-Without-Liquid Devices, described a new trend of devices that are used to inhale alcohol by vapor. She described how Alcohol-Without-Liquid (AWOL) devices are marketed and some effects of using them. She cited research that contradicts the facts used to market the devices, stating that alcohol consumed by these devices has the same number of calories as alcohol consumed by drinking, and that the alcohol consumed by the devices can be detected in the bloodstream even though the blood alcohol concentration may not indicate the person's actual level of intoxication. Committee members were provided with Amendment L.007 (Attachment E). Representative Boyd summarized the bill's provisions. She then answered questions about the adverse effects of consuming alcohol by AWOL devices, and the act of prohibiting a means by which a legal substance is consumed.

The following people testified on the bill:

02:45 PM --
Mr. Kevin Bommer, representing the Colorado Municipal League, spoke in support of the bill and affirmed that the devices are primarily being marketed to young adults. He gave committee members a press release about Congressman Bob Beauprez's legislation to temporarily ban AWOL devices (Attachment F). Mr. Bommer described some of the adverse health effects of AWOL devices (e.g., it bypasses the liver's filtering process and delivers the alcohol directly to the brain), and potential public safety implications of AWOL devices (e.g., a person could pass a Breathalyzer test if intoxicated beyond the legal limit and stopped while driving). Mr. Bommer stated that because the devices are so new, there is little research available about them and their effects.

02:54 PM --
Mr. Matt Cook, representing the Department of Revenue, Liquor Enforcement Division, responded to questions from the committee about the health impact of AWOL devices and the division's present ability to regulate these devices.

02:57 PM --
Mr. Bill Clayton, representing the Colorado Police Protective Association, spoke in support of the bill. He described the concerns of law enforcement with these devices and responded to questions from the committee about an officer's ability to detect the actual blood-alcohol content of someone who consumed alcohol using an AWOL device.

02:59 PM --
Ms. Lisa Spalding, representing the University Hill Neighborhood Association, spoke in support of the bill. She suggested that AWOL devices would become a novel attraction to college students and could easily become part of their current drinking rituals.

03:05 PM

The chairman closed the public testimony portion of the hearing, and the committee began considering amendments.
TIME: 03:05:19 PM
MOTION:Move Amendment L.007 (Attachment D). The motion passed without objection.
Carroll M.
Carroll T.
Not Final YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 2 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

03:08 PM

The bill sponsor made closing comments on the bill. Committee members commented. The chairman announced that the bill would lay over for action on Thursday, March 10.