Public Testimony


Action Taken:

03:35 PM -- Public Testimony

Senator Keller opened the committee for public testimony.

03:35 PM

Barb Hostrup and Jule Monnens, both registered nurses from major Denver centers, addressed the committee and distributed a handout (Attachment N). They discussed how all hospitals receive most of their funds from Medicare and Medicaid and that private insurance makes up the rest. They shared some personal stories from their hospitals and the problems uninsured patients have faced to help show the deep concern the health care community has for their patients. They discussed the uninsured population and how most are either working individuals who just cannot afford insurance, children, or young adults. The registered nurses talked about their licensed duty to advocate for the rights and well being of all patients regardless of who they are and their ability to pay.

03:41 PM

Ms. Monnens agreed with the previous discussion for the need to have a certificate of need program. They mentioned that many hospitals are moving out of the urban areas to the suburbs to avoid Medicaid shortfalls and are leaving a big burden on the remaining urban hospitals.

Ms. Monnens and Ms. Hostrup discussed the nursing shortage and that a big part of the problem is that nurses are choosing to leave and that a nurse with a Master's degree gets paid more to be a nurse than to teach so there is a lack of teachers to teach in the nursing programs. They stressed that retention is cheaper than recruitment and talked about the high turnover rate and the reasons for it including: problems with benefits and retirement, lack of control over work schedules, low pay, heavy work load, and constant training of new staff. The nurses went through what types of benefits they currently receive.

03:59 PM

Senator Gordon commented on health care as it is today and how it is seen as a commodity and Representative Frangas commented on how important hospitals are to communities. Senator Keller commented on the movement of the most profitable hospitals to the suburbs to avoid Medicare and Medicaid patients and the burden it leaves on the city. Ms. Monnens and Ms. Hostrup concluded their testimony.