
Time:01:36 PM to 03:28 PM
Place:HCR 0109
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative 1
This Report was prepared by
Cathy Eslinger
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Call to Order and Introduction of Members
Consideration of Portrait
Proposal for Signage
Publications and Memorabilia
Capitol Life Safety Project

01:38 PM - Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairman, Ms. Joan Johnson. Members present were: Ms. Contiguglia, Mr. Drago, Mr. Hite, Representative Johnson, Mr. Lombardi, Ms. Sill. Mr. Lee was present after roll call. Ms. Johnson asked Steve Tammeus, Legislative Council Staff, to introduce the committee's new member Mr. Tim Drago.

01:40 PM - Consideration of Presidential Portrait

Ms. Sill recounted the recent history of the presidential portrait. The committee had chosen earlier in the year to have Mr. Daniel Frazier to paint a portrait of President Bush for the Capitol. The committee had voted to choose a Colorado artist to do the work. Mr. Frazier wished to have a photograph of President Bush from which to work. He did not approve the photograph that the committee had obtained for him. The committee continued to have difficulties in its dealings with Mr. Frazier.

The second artist selected by the committee was Sarah Boardman. Ms Sill indicated that it would take Ms. Boardman approximately four months to complete a portrait. In the meantime, the artist who painted the other presidential portraits in the Capitol, Mr. Lawrence Williams, who is not a Colorado artist, was contacted. He has painted the other portraits in the Capitol. Mr. Williams has passed away, but a gallery is representing his work, which includes several portraits of President Bush. The committee has been given a donation of $5,000 for the portrait The Williams portrait would cost $1,000, and Ms. Boardman's work would cost $1,600.

01:44 PM

Mr. Tammeus unveiled the portrait done by Mr. Williams. The committee considered the portrait and discussed the decisions to be made. Ms. Contigugila reminded the committee that Mr. Williams had previously requested an amount higher than $1,000. Ms. Sill said that additions to the plaques would also need to considered.

01:48 PM

Mr. Tammeus reviewed the history of plaques in the gallery. He stated that it appeared that the committee had over $8,000 in its fund from which to pay for any new plaques.

Ms. Sill has contacted a photographer in Texas who has photographed the Bush family. She said that this photographer has many available photographs from an available library if the committee chose to commission Ms. Boardman as the artist. A letter from Ms. Boardman to Ms. Sill was distributed (Attachment A). Ms. Contiguglia said she was in favor of approving the Williams portrait. Ms. Sill said she wished to see the portrait in the gallery before making a decision.

01:56 PM

The committee recessed to view the portrait in the second floor gallery.

02:07 PM

The committee came back to order. Ms. Contiguglia moved (Second: Hite) that all previous motions dedicated to the commissioning of a portrait of President Bush be rescinded in order to consider new motions on the matter. The motion passed on a voice vote with no objection.

02:09 PM

Ms. Contiguglia moved (Second: Rep. Johnson) to accept the Lawrence Williams portrait. The motion passed on a voice vote with no objection.

02:10 PM

The committee discussed the signature on the portrait. Mr. Tammeus noted that the gallery was very open to requests the committee might have in regard to the portrait. Mr. Lee discussed the background color and the whiteness of Mr. Bush's shirt in the portrait. Mr. Hite and Ms. Johnson suggested only considering muting the hue of the signature.

02:14 PM

Ms. Sill moved (Second: Hite) that the signature on the portrait be glazed to mute the color. The motion passed on a voice vote with no objection. Mr. Tammeus said that he would be in touch with the gallery handling the portrait in regard to a recommendation.

02:15 PM

Mr. Tammeus said that he would contact the gallery handling the portrait about the committee's request to glaze the signature. Ms. Contiguglia said that the Western Center for the Conservation of Art might be available.

Ms. Sill asked if there should be any other costs taken into consideration in regard to the portrait. Mr. Tammeus responded to questions about the shipping and the agreement with the gallery.

02:18 PM

Ms. Sill moved (Second Hite) that the difference in the original contribution and the cost of the Williams portrait be returned to the donor, taking into account any additional money required for insurance or handling of the portrait. The motion passed on a voice vote with no objection.

Ms. Sill requested that the information for artist Sarah Boardman, who had been considered by the committee, be entered into the record for consideration as a candidate for future projects: Sarah A. Boardman Portraits, P.O. Box 26017, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80936-6017, (719) 573-4603,,

The committee considered the plaques to be updated and added to the gallery. A document was provided for the committee's consideration (Attachment B). Ms. Johnson discussed the plaques to be considered. There was discussion of whether to hang the new plaques under the portraits or together in a central location in the gallery. Mr. Tammeus mentioned that there may be a dedication ceremony for the Bush portrait. Mr. Hite suggested planning a dedication ceremony for a date near in the future and advocated making a decision about the plaques at the present meeting.

02:25 PM

Ms. Contiguglia moved (Second: Hite) to approve the plaques as presented in the staff document. The motion passed with no objection.

02:28 PM

Ms. Johnson asked that Senator Johnson be consulted about planning a dedication ceremony in January.

02:30 PM - Consideration of a Proposal for Signage for Lincoln Park

Mr. Drago discussed the Colorado Veteran's Monument in Lincoln Park and voiced concern about the activities taking place in the park. He said that schoolchildren often walk through the park and it was an issue warranting discussion. Mr. Drago said that he had contacted the State Patrol about potential signage in the park. Mr. Hite asked whether there was a surveillance camera in the park, and Mr. Drago responded that there was one camera that focused on the courtyard. Mr. Drago discussed issues of drug dealing and loitering in the park. He said that new signage may be a first step, and that additional surveillance cameras would be expensive.

02:37 PM

Trooper Jess Leyba, State Patrol, discussed the situation in Lincoln Park and agreed that drug dealing was a concern. Trooper Leyba said that arrests were being made and that the current surveillance camera was being utilized. He said another concern was the landscaping and monuments, particularly in regard to persons spending the night in the park. He said that enforcement action required a posting such as the proposed sign. He showed the committee a prototype sign that may be posted in the park. He also distributed a hand-out of the relevant statute He suggested signs for four locations in the park initially.
Trooper Leyba requested authorization from the committee to go forward with the sign, but stated that the signage would occur at no cost to the committee. The State Patrol would take care of the signage.

02:45 PM

There was additional discussion about the condition of the park. Permission for alcohol in the park for permitted events was discussed. Trooper Leyba responded to additional questions. Representative Johnson and Mr. Hite suggested that the sign read "The following activities are prohibited:" instead of the language that appeared on the prototype. There was discussion of adding a phone number to report violations. Mr. Hite also suggested communicating with Denver officials about the new signage.

02:54 PM

Mr. Drago moved (Second: Sill) to authorize a sign for Lincoln Park. The motion passed without objection.

02:55 PM

Mr. Tammeus discussed the oversight of publications for which the committee is responsible. Mr. Tammeus showed the committee an updated Capitol brochure that was distributed at the tour desk to school children.

Mr. Kevin Scott, the brochure artist, showed the committee the changes that have been made in preparation for this printing and noted that there was room for additions. He said that the additional paper costs were minimal. There was a discussion of final editing to be overseen by Mr. Tammeus. Mr. Tammeus discussed the inventory of additional publications and memorabilia.

02:58 PM

Mr. Tammeus discussed recent interest in a holiday ornament to be sold at the Capitol tour guide desk. This would be done so as to be affordable for school children. Mr. Tammeus said that he had been contacted by the company that makes ornaments for the White House and the Texas statehouse. The company is willing to fund the prototype and production to be sold on consignment and would be willing to work with a member of the committee on the ornament. The production cost is estimated to be less than $1 per ornament.

Mr. Tammeus said that Ms. Edna Pelzmann, Tour Guide Coordinator, favors the project. Mr. Lee, Ms. Sill, and Ms. Contiguglia agreed to be on the committee to go forward on the ornament. Mr. Hite raised the issue of the need for a cash register at the tour guide desk. There was discussion of the issue of a cash register for the tour desk.

03:06 PM

Mr. Lombardi showed a paper weight of the mile high marker that was another candidate for sale at the tour desk. These would need to be purchased at a cost of $9.25 each for 100 paper weights. It was decided that the same subcommittee may be able to go forward on consideration of both the ornament and paperweight.

03:10 PM

Ms. Sill continued the discussion of the need for a cash register. She voiced concern about the responsibility or liability of the committee if there were problems with the inventory or sales receipts. Mr. Tammeus and Mr. Hite provided some background on the issue. Mr. Hite asked that the subcommittee look into the issue of the cash register versus a cash box at the tour desk.

Mr. Scott indicated that he was willing to consult with the committee on displaying and marketing the products at the tour desk. He has also offered to help seek sponsors and private donations for the brochures in the future.

03:16 PM

There was additional discussion of a space for products. Ms. Contiguglia suggested a movable kiosk. Mr. Tammeus responded to questions regarding the storage of publications and memorabilia. The subcommittee will consider these issues in its discussions.

03:18 PM

Mr. Larry Friedberg, state architect, Department of Personnel, and Mr. Larry Larson, Jacobs Facilities, came to the table to review the progress on the Capitol Life Safety Project. A document was distributed (Attachment C).

Mr. Larson reviewed what would be concluded by the end of Phase Ia. He then discussed plans for Phase Ib, which is funded and also in progress. Phase Ib will be completed by December 2004, with a diminished work schedule during the legislative session. Phase II through VI is reviewed in the document and will become part of a grant request for funding as presented in the document.

03:24 PM

Mr. Tammeus reviewed the history of the attic gallery. Mr. Friedberg discussed the completion of the new fire alarm system. The committee made plans to adjourn to tour the new fire command center in room 078, to inspect fire alarm speaker/strobes on the third floor, and to tour recent work in the attic gallery.

03:28 PM

Mr Hite moved to adjourn to begin the tour. With no objection and no further business, the committee adjourned to tour the progress on the Capitol Life Safety Project, led by Mr. Friedberg and Mr. Larson.