Date: 05/03/2012



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:33 PM -- Senate Bill 12-090

Representative Court presented Senate Bill 12-090, concerning restoring coverage for circumcision of males under Medicaid. The bill includes male circumcision as a reimbursable physician service provided in the Medicaid program. It also prohibits the Medical Services Board from limiting the provision of male circumcision. A fact sheet was distributed to the committee (Attachment A).


01:35 PM --
Senator Aguilar testified on the bill. She discussed the medical benefits of circumcision. Senator Aguilar responded to questions about whether private insurers cover circumcision and the costs related to the bill. Representative Joshi discussed the cultural differences concerning the practice of circumcision. Representative Schafer discussed recent reports that medical costs are not rising as previously thought. Representative Court made comments on the bill.

01:50 PM --
Gillian Longley, representing herself, testified against the bill. She discussed the elective nature of circumcision, health statistics related to circumcision, and costs related to circumcision. Ms. Longley responded to questions about what is defined as a medically necessary procedure, hygiene issues related to circumcision, and whether circumcision can cause harm.

01:58 PM --
Scot Anderson, representing himself, testified against the bill. He discussed information contained in the fiscal note, costs related to circumcision, and data related to circumcision and cases of HIV. Mr. Anderson responded to questions related to data on HIV-positive circumcised men.

02:05 PM --
Dr. Mathias Masem, representing himself, testified against the bill. He discussed health statistics related to circumcision. He stated that 17 other states have eliminated Medicaid funding for circumcision.

02:10 PM --
Michael Watkins, representing himself, testified against the bill.

02:14 PM --
Kendra Kabel, representing herself, testified against the bill. She discussed her experience as a parent related to circumcision. She responded to questions from the committee about her experience discussing circumcision with her doctor.

02:18 PM --
Sarah Baldridge, representing herself, testified against the bill. She discussed the lack of recent data on circumcision. Ms. Baldridge responded to a question regarding patient choice related to circumcision.

02:22 PM --
Craig Garrett, representing himself, testified against the bill. He provided a handout (Attachment B) to the committee, which he discussed in his testimony.


02:25 PM --
Jere DeBacker, representing himself, testified against the bill. He discussed historical information about circumcision and information contained in the handout (Attachment C) he provided to the committee. Mr. DeBacker responded to questions about the handout. Mr. DeBacker continued to discuss circumcision.


02:32 PM --
Dr. Jennifer Johnson, representing herself, testified against the bill. She discussed her experiences as a parent and physician related to circumcision. Dr. Johnson responded to questions about whether physicians are recommending circumcision, potential risks related to teen sexual activity and circumcision, and infection rates.

02:42 PM --
Dr. Jeremiah Bartley, Colorado Section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, testified in support of the bill. He discussed the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics on circumcision and the benefits of circumcision to reduce viruses. He discussed the costs related to circumcision.

02:50 PM

Representative Court and Representative Summers responded to questions about Medicaid funding for circumcision. The committee continued to discuss the funding for the bill. Representative Court provided closing comments on the bill. The committee continued to discuss the bill.

02:57 PM

The committee took a brief recess.

02:58 PM

Senate Bill 12-090 was laid over until end of meeting. The committee took a brief recess.