

Time:08:08 AM to 08:48 AM
Place:HCR 0107
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Sonnenberg
This Report was prepared by
David Beaujon
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Set Agenda and Meeting DatesDiscussion only

08:08 AM -- Set Agenda and Meeting Dates

Representative Sonnenberg, Chair, called the meeting to order and announced that roll call will not be taken because attendance is voluntary.

08:08 AM

David Beaujon, Legislative Council Staff, explained that Section 37-98-102, C.R.S., allows the Water Resources Review Committee to meet up to 6 times during the interim. He summarized the requirements for the committee to recommend legislation and identified limits on the number of bills that may be recommended to Legislative Council. He also explained that the deadline for Legislative Council to consider interim committee recommendations is October 15, 2012. Consequently, the Water Resources Review Committee must take final action on bill recommendations by October 1 and must request draft legislation by September 14, 2012. Mr. Beaujon distributed a table listing potential agenda items for the committee to consider during the interim that have been requested by legislators and other interested persons (Attachment A). The table also identifies issues of ongoing interest to previous Water Resources Review Committees.


08:09 AM

Committee discussion followed about potential agenda items for the 2012 interim and the following topics were requested by committee members: 1) update on the Southern Delivery System; 2) stormwater discharge and dewatering permit requirements for construction projects; 3) Water Quality Control Commission's proposed nutrient regulations and potential methods for paying for related water treatment infrastructure improvements; 4) potential uses of Colorado's share of water stored in the Animas La Plata Project; and 5) and an update on the formation of subdistricts of the Rio Grande Water Conservation District and associated fees.

08:13 AM

Doug Kemper, Executive Director, Colorado Water Congress, invited the committee to attend the Colorado Water Congress Summer Convention in Steamboat (August 15 through 17) and he identified agenda issues that the committee may want to discuss during the 2012 interim (Attachment B).


08:28 AM

Mr. Kemper explained that Initiative 2011-12 # 3 and Initiative 2011-12 # 45 would create a public trust doctrine in Colorado if approved by the voters. He explained that the titles for the initiatives have been approved and that the proponents must collect the necessary signatures to be placed on the 2012 ballot. He also expressed concern about the effect of these measures on Colorado water users if the initiatives become law and he identified public education efforts related to these measures.

08:46 AM

Representative Sonnenberg announced that the Joint House Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee will meet on May 2 at 7:30 a.m., to receive a briefing from the Colorado Water Congress and the Colorado River Outfitters Association on the public trust doctrine.

08:48 AM

The committee adjourned.