Date: 02/03/2009

BILL SUMMARY for HB09-1104


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:53 AM -- House Bill 09-1104

Representative Hullinghorst, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 09-1104 concerning the regulation of certified interior designers. This bill creates a certification program for interior designers. Persons desiring to practice the profession must be certified by the director of the Division of Registrations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), and show documentation that they have:

Only persons who meet the requirements and obtain a certification from the division are permitted to use the title "Certified Interior Designer." In addition, the bill:

A certified interior designer who is a shareholder, member, or partner of an interior design firm is liable for any employee misconduct unless the firm maintains professional liability insurance. The bill sets minimum qualifying standards for the insurance policy. The bill is repealed July 1, 2020.

12:01 PM

She talked about amendment L.001 that would change the regulation of interior designers in the bill from an interior designer certification to registered interior designers. There was a discussion about whether the fiscal note will change now that the regulation has changed.

12:05 PM --
Michael Luzier, a nationally certified kitchen designer, testified against the bill and talked about some concerns he has with the bill. Representative Soper asked what qualifies the witness as a kitchen designer. Mr. Luzier said you can only be certified after two years with certain education requirements. Mr. Luzier responded to additional questions from the committee.

12:11 PM --
Sandy Nienaber, representing the Colorado Interior Design Coalition, testified in support of the bill. She talked about the various types of interior designers and the work they do that impacts the health and safety of consumers. Ms. Nienaber talked about the exam, experience, and education that would be required under the bill.

12:15 PM

Vice Chair Casso advised the committee that the bill would be laid over until Thursday, February 5 at 7:00 a.m. in House Committee Room 0112 and adjourned the committee.