CommitteeDateStatusVote Action
Hide details for  Conference Committee Conference Committee
Bill Summary04/16/2009Final
FINAL VOTE - Moved CLHB1057.002, the first report of the first conference committee on House Bill 09-1057 (Attachment A), which adopts the rerevised bill with amendments. The motion passed on a 5-1-0 vote. 04/16/2009FinalPASS
Hide details for House EducationHouse Education
Bill Summary01/29/2009Final
Bill Summary02/05/2009Final
Moved amendment L.013 (Attachment B). The motion passed without objection.02/05/2009FinalPass Without Objection
Moved amendment L.003 (Attachment C). The motion passed without objection.02/05/2009FinalPass Without Objection
Moved to refer House Bill 09-1057, as amended, to the Committee on Business Affairs and Labor. Representative Merrifield offered a substitute motion. See vote sheet below. 02/05/2009FinalTIE
FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer House Bill 09-1057, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. The motion passed on a 7-6 vote. 02/05/2009FinalPASS
Moved Amendment L.005 (Attachment A). The motion passed without objection. 01/29/2009FinalPass Without Objection
Bill Summary01/29/2009Final
Bill Summary01/22/2009Final
Hide details for Senate EducationSenate Education
Bill Summary03/12/2009Final
Moved amendment L.024 (Attachment E). Senator Bacon moved a substitute motion (see the next vote sheet), which passed, so this amendment was rendered moot.03/12/2009FinalTIE
Moved amendment L.025 (Attachment F). The motion failed on a 2-6 vote.03/12/2009FinalFAIL
Moved a conceptual amendment to make the bill a three-year pilot applying only to state employees. The motion failed on a 3-5 vote.03/12/2009FinalFAIL
Moved a substitute motion to Senator King's motion moving amendment L.024. Change "AND" to "OR" on page 5, line 4 of the bill. The motion passed on a 7-1 vote.03/12/2009FinalPASS
Moved an amendment to page 4, line 7, of the bill. Changing "kindergarten" to "preschool". The motion passed without objection but was subsequently reconsidered (see next vote sheet). Upon reconsideration, the chair ruled the amendment does not fit under the title.03/12/2009FinalPass Without Objection
FINAL VOTE - Refer House Bill 09-1057, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. The motion passed on a 5-3 vote.03/12/2009FinalPASS
Moved to reconsider Senator Hudak's amendment changing "kindergarten" to "preschool". The motion passed on a 7-1 vote.03/12/2009FinalPASS
Hide details for HB09-1058HB09-1058
Hide details for  Conference Committee Conference Committee
Bill Summary03/19/2009Final
FINAL VOTE - Moved to adopt the first report of the first conference committee on House Bill 09-1058 (Attachment A). The motion passed on a 4-0-2 roll call vote.03/19/2009FinalPASS
Hide details for House State, Veterans, & Military AffairsHouse State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
Bill Summary01/20/2009Final
Moved prepared amendment L.001 (Attachment D). The motion passed without objection.01/20/2009FinalPass Without Objection
FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer House Bill 09-1058, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation. The motion passed on a 9-0-1 roll call vote, with one committee vacancy.01/20/2009FinalPASS