Date: 02/07/2006

BILL SUMMARY for HB06-1075


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

02:14 PM

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present.

02:14 PM -- House Bill 06-1075

Representative Todd presented an overview of House Bill 06-1075, concerning the sale of surplus state property. Representative Todd provided some background information regarding her reasons for sponsoring the bill

The following people testified on House Bill 06-1075:

02:18 PM --
Representatives Jahn and Knoedler testified regarding the bill. Representative Jahn explained her role as the chair of the Correctional Industries Advisory Board and expressed the need to reach a compromise regarding the surplus process. Representative Jahn discussed a situation involving surplus property at the Lowry campus left over from Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and potential amendments to the bill. Representative Knoedler discussed the importance of the state surplus process to the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the impact of House Bill 06-1075 on the prison system and institutions of higher learning. Representative Jahn responded to questions regarding the granting of waivers from certain surplus disposal deadlines and the potential for referring the issue to the Correctional Industries Advisory Board. Representatives Jahn and Knoedler explained the potential monetary impact on Correctional Industries programs if the bill passes.

02:30 PM --
Dr. Linda S. Bowman, President of Community College of Aurora and Vice President of the Colorado Community College System, and Ms. Barbara McDonnell, Executive Vice President of the Colorado Community College System, testified in favor of House Bill 06-1075. Dr. Bowman explained the current situation regarding the disposal of surplus materials at the Lowry facility, and the burdens of adhering to th process of surplus disposal. Ms. McDonnell provided further detail regarding the surplus property situation at Lowry. Dr. Bowman responded to questions regarding transferring surplus property to charter schools and the use of college staff to inventory surplus property. Ms. McDonnell provided an overview of the process involved in disposing surplus properties.

02:38 PM --
Mr. John Utterback, Director of Purchasing for Colorado State University (CSU), testified in favor of the bill. Mr. Utterback explained the benefits realized by CSU handling its disposal of surplus property.

02:42 PM --
Representative Todd provided closing comments in favor of House Bill 06-1075. A discussion ensued regarding a potential revenue-sharing compromise between DOC and higher education institutions and what institutions should benefit from the sale of surplus property.

02:49 PM

The committee recessed briefly.

02:51 PM

The committee came back to order. Representative Weissmann took House Bill 06-1075 off the table.