Date: 02/03/2006

Judicial Branch Briefing


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07:48 AM

Representative T. Carroll brought the meeting to order. Mary Mullarky, Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, came to the table to discuss the main priorities of the Judicial Branch for the coming year. The first is the new building being planned to house all of the major agencies that are related to Judicial. The second is a five-year plan for the Judicial Branch. The idea behind the plan is to restore the cuts in the Judicial Branch that were made in the past few years. The plan also looks at a way to fully fund judges in Colorado, as the state has always worked at a deficit of judges. The Chief Justice stressed the importance of adding judges to the Court of Appeals.

07:54 AM

Jerry Marroney, State Court Administrator, discussed the planned mechanism for funding the addition of new judges. He discussed the relationship between the quality of justice in Colorado courts and the number of judges. Mr. Marroney expressed concern about overburdened courts. He directed the committee to page three of the Five Year Resource Plan for the Colorado Judicial Branch (Attachment A), which provides a table detailing the fiscal needs for the Judicial Branch through FY 2010-2011. Mr. Marroney also discussed issues surrounding community corrections and probation supervision.