Date: 02/15/2006



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:53 AM -- Senate Bill 06-099

Senator Evans introduced Senate Bill 06-099. Senate Bill 06-099 prohibits the administration of vaccines containing more than a specified amount of mercury to pregnant women and children under three years of age. He referred to a fact sheet regarding the bill (Attachment A) and distributed amendment L.003 (Attachment B). He responded to questions from the committee. A number of letters of support and handouts regarding the bill were distributed to the committee. (Attachments C through K).

10:00 AM --
Dr. Mark Johnson, Colorado Medical Society, testified regarding autism and vaccines. He stated that numerous studies have been conducted which have found no connection between autism and vaccines. He testified regarding the vaccines that would be affected by the bill and discussed the rates of vaccine-preventable diseases in Colorado.

10:05 AM --
Dr. James Todd, Children's Hospital, distributed two handouts to the committee (Attachments L and M). He stated that the hypothesis that thimerosal-containing vaccines cause autism is not supported by critical analysis of current data by objective experts. He further stated that concern regarding vaccine safety does not seem to be a major reason for failure to vaccinate in Colorado. Dr. Todd testified that thimerosal as a preservative is only a relevant issue for influenza vaccines and that thirteen of fourteen childhood vaccines already do not contain thimerosal. He responded to questions from the committee regarding federal Food and Drug Administration guidelines for the removal of thimerosal from vaccines. He further responded to questions from the committee regarding thimerosal and mercury in childhood vaccines.

10:21 AM --
Marti Sharp, Executive Director of the Colorado Children's Immunization Coalition, testified in opposition to the bill. She stated that the bill perpetuates misinformation that vaccines are unsafe. She stated that the bill could potentially result in vaccine shortages and may increase the cost of vaccines.

10:23 AM --
Dr. Mary Maguire, Children's Medical Center, testified in opposition to the bill. She stated that thimerosal has no proven risk and passage of the bill will undermine the ability to promote vaccinations for children. In addition, limiting the availability of the flu vaccine could be harmful to children.

10:28 AM --
Susan Cox, Kaiser Permanente and Adam Jackson, Kaiser Permanente, testified regarding the implementation of a similar bill in California. Mr. Jackson testified regarding the availability of a flu vaccine that does not contain thimerosal. He stated that the bill would essentially required that doctors in Colorado purchase the vaccine from one manufacturer who has a limited supply of thimerosal-free vaccines. He responded to questions from the committee regarding why other vaccines can be made without thimerosal. Senator Traylor and Senator Mitchell discussed the differences between flu vaccines and other childhood vaccines.

10:37 AM --
Chris Urbina, Public Health Directors of Colorado, testified that the availability of the flu vaccine may be compromised if the bill passes and there is an outbreak of flu. Additionally, the bill perpetuates the myth that vaccines are unsafe.

10:42 AM --
Dr. H. Vasken Aposhian, University of Arizona, testified in support of the bill and regarding thimerosal. He referred to a handout concerning his presentation (Attachment J) and testified that there is no reason that thimerosal should be in vaccines. Dr. Aposhian responded to questions from Senator Traylor regarding the differences between methyl and ethyl mercury, stating that all forms of mercury are harmful to the central nervous systems of children. He further responded to questions regarding studies of the safety of thimerosal and the connection between autism and thimerosal.

11:05 AM --
Theresa Wrangham, President, Autism Society of Boulder County, testified that thimerosal should be removed from vaccines because there is a plausible connection between autism and thimerosal. She discussed the availability of thimerosal-free vaccines, stating that vaccine manufacturers will make thimerosal-free vaccines if there is a demand for them. She stated that there is no reason for thimerosal to be included in vaccines and that all forms of mercury are toxic. She further discussed the toxicity of thimerosal. Ms. Wrangham responded to questions from the committee regarding the level of mercury in flu vaccines. Senator Traylor commented on the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations regarding the use of thimerosal. Ms. Wrangham responded to questions concerning increases in diagnoses of autism and parental choice regarding vaccines. The committee discussed Ms. Wrangham's statements regarding the Environmental Protection Agency's recommendations for limited mercury exposure.

11:35 AM --
Sallie Bernard, SafeMinds, testified that there are no benefits to using thimerosal in vaccines. She stated that thimerosal is not an effective preservative, vaccines can may be made effectively without thimerosal, and the elimination of thimerosal in vaccines will not cause vaccine shortages in Colorado. She stated that the bill will promote vaccination because parents will be more likely to seek vaccination of their children if they are assured that vaccines are safe. She discussed studies of the effects of thimerosal.

11:46 AM

Senator Hanna pulled the bill from the table, stating that testimony and action on the bill will be considered a later meeting of the committee.