Date: 01/17/2006

SUMMARY for HJR06-1037


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Refer to the Committee of the Whole with favorablePASS

10:46 AM -- House Joint Resolution 06-1037

Representative King reviewed the provisions of House Joint Resolution 06-1037, concerning support for an application to participate in the federal pilot program for use of a growth model to measure students' academic achievement. He distributed a hand-out to the committee (Attachment B). He discussed the importance of data on longitudinal growth of students. He informed the committee that the United States Department of Education has authorized a pilot program for use of student longitudinal growth. Representative King stated that Colorado had been a leader in the nation on this type of measurement. He said that Colorado must apply to participate in the pilot program by February 17, 2006.

10:50 AM

Representative King reviewed the language in the resolution, which references the standards and assessments that Colorado has implemented in statute. He said that he felt that school districts would support Colorado's participation in the pilot program and said that longitudinal growth is a better way to measure student growth over time. Representative King referenced the fact that the resolution refers to seven core principles for participation in the pilot program. He also discussed his meetings with the Colorado Department of Education's technical advisory committee on longitudinal growth.

10:55 AM

The following persons testified:

10:55 AM --
Jane Urschel, representing the Colorado Association of School Boards, spoke in support of the resolution. She reviewed the history of the passage of the "No Child Left Behind Act." She said that if Colorado becomes a pilot participant, it will help determine what will become the model for the entire country.

10:59 AM --
Rich Wenning, representing the Colorado League of Charter Schools, spoke in support of the resolution. He said that participating in the pilot program would allow Colorado to continue to lead in the area of measurement of student longitudinal growth. Mr. Wenning said that there was growing consensus on the value of measuring longitudinal growth.

11:02 AM --
Phil Fox, representing the Colorado Association of School Executives, testified in support of the resolution. He said that the resolution would send a message that Colorado retains a position of leadership on the issue of student assessments and longitudinal growth.

11:03 AM --
Ken Turner, representing Academy School District 20, spoke in support of the resolution. He said that last week school districts had received student results based on current statutory provisions. Mr. Turner reviewed the seven principles for the program set forth by the United States Department of Education. He responded to questions about the value and use of the current scale of measurement for the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP).

11:09 AM

Mr. Turner responded to questions about growth for students who are already measured as proficient and about whether changes to Colorado's accountability plan would place more stringent demands in meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Representative King said that the use of longitudinal growth should assist school districts, but that many details for participation in the pilot program are left to be determined. He said that participating in the pilot program would allow Colorado's input in shaping the future of accountability reform.

11:15 AM

Mr. Turner responded to questions about provisions for students who are making progress within the same proficiency level. He subsequently referred to the core principles and the fact that Colorado may only lack the requirement for "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) peer review of its assessment system. Mr. Wenning returned to the table to discuss the fact the seven core principles outlined for the pilot program are consistent with Colorado's current accountability system. Representative Solano asked additional questions about state flexibility in meeting the seven core principles. Mr. Wenning discussed how longitudinal growth will be considered in meeting targets required under federal law.

11:25 AM

Mr. Turner responded to concerns expressed by Representative Solano regarding potential compliance requirements. Representative Pommer made comments on the overall impact of the NCLB law and the potential for changing the accountability approach set under that law. Mr. Wenning responded to Representative Pommer's comments and discussed the movement toward longitudinal growth as cumulative improvement.

11:33 AM

Byron Pendley, representing the Colorado Department of Education, was asked questions about the impact on the department if the resolution were passed. Mr. Pendley said that a request to participate in the pilot program would be a part of a larger submittal of amendments to Colorado's accountability implementation plan. He discussed the State Board of Education's responsibility and authority for submitting Colorado's implementation plan to the United States Department of Education. Representative Merrifield said that he was concerned that participation in the pilot program would have a fiscal impact on the department and said that he would like to have information on the fiscal impact.

11:40 AM

Representative Solano asked Representative King about any input from the Colorado Education Association (CEA). He responded that CEA has historically been supportive of longitudinal growth measures. Representative King said that the implementation of a longitudinal growth model under state statute has been funded and restated that he felt that school districts would be helped by support of this federal effort.

11:43 AM

Representative King made closing comments on the resolution.

BILL:HJR 06-1037
TIME: 11:44:34 AM
MOTION:Refer to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation. The motion passed on a 13-0 roll call vote.

11:46 AM

The committee adjourned.