Date: 02/09/2006

Dept. of Education


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01:41 PM

The meeting was called to order by the co-chairman, Senator Windels.

01:41 PM

Pamela Suckla, Chair, State Board of Education, was joined by the other members of the State Board of Education for the briefing. She introduced the Commissioner of Education, Dr. William Moloney. A document reviewing the legislative priorities of the State Board of Education was distributed (Attachment A).

01:42 PM

Dr. Moloney said he would briefly review top education priorities of the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). He indicated that the impact of the "No Child Left Behind Act" continues to be a major issue facing the state. He further indicated that the department would, within the month, be sending several proposed amendments to Colorado's state plan to the United States Department of Education for its consideration. Dr. Moloney mentioned Colorado's passage of a resolution to support application for Colorado's participation in a federal pilot program on measurement of student longitudinal growth. He noted that Colorado has been a leader in this area. The resolution will be forwarded to Colorado's congressional delegation. Dr. Moloney noted that the previous day the State Board of Education approved the application formally.

01:47 PM

In continuing his remarks, Dr. Moloney highlighted the status of the department and indicated that the department had undergone a difficult period during the recent economic downturn, including losing state-funded positions. Of its 305 positions, 76 percent are now federally funded. Licensure positions in the department are cash-funded. He said that the department needed to look to the future and the General Assembly's priorities and to place resources in critical areas, including literacy.

01:49 PM

Ms. Suckla began introductions of State Board of Education members. Karen Middleton, representing the 7th Congressional District, highlighted an effort to communicate about the department's budget priorities. Ms. Middleton discussed the priorities that had been presented to the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) in December. Under school finance, she said that it is critical to look at the impact of the local government tax structure and the disparity in mill levies.

01:52 PM

Jared Polis, at-large representative on the State Board, discussed the State Board's priority for on-line education. He said that all students should have access to on-line education services. Further, the board supports funding for on-line supplemental services. He said that a resolution adopted by the board addresses accountability for on-line programs (Attachment B). Mr. Polis responded to questions about the potential fiscal impact of increased enrollment in on-line programs. Senator Williams commented on the resolution that had been provided to committee members and discussed increased emphasis on accountability. He noted that school districts are responsibility for providing Colorado State Assessment Program (CSAP) assessments. Representative King raised questions about potential ambiguity in current statutory provisions.

02:01 PM

Ms. Suckla discussed issues concerning state trust lands. She said that increased monitoring and education regarding these issues have been goals of the board. Additionally, she said that board supports efforts to increase levels in the Permanent Trust Fund. She also discussed the potential for exempting lease revenues from provisions of the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR). Ms. Suckla said that the board feels that it should be the formal spokesbody for the beneficiaries of the state trust lands.

02:05 PM

Peggy Littleton, State Board member representing the 5th Congressional District, discussed goals for early childhood education. She said that the board supports access for at-risk children to quality full-day kindergarten programs. Further, the board supports legislation that would increase access for at-risk students to early childhood education and family literacy programs. Senator Tupa asked whether the board feels that full-day kindergarten and early education would be a top funding priority relative to other priorities. Ms. Littleton continued her comments on the needs in early childhood education. It was noted that the board's priorities as presented were not in any order giving greater priority to one over another.

02:12 PM

Evie Hudak, representing the 2nd Congressional District, said that board supported comprehensive funding for assessments, specifically supporting a uniform approach for funding all state-mandated tests. She said that the federally required assessment for students who do not speak English has recently been developed and requires funding. Committee members requested information on the level of funding required for assessments and on the amount that would be received in federal funds for this purpose.

02:15 PM

Ms. Hudak discussed the board's priority to restore the state Contingency Reserve Fund. She discussed the need for this funding when school districts face emergencies. In regard to capital construction, she said that the board supported efforts to fund the Giardino lawsuit settlement.

02:21 PM

Randy DeHoff, State Board member representing the 6th Congressional District, discussed exceptional student services funding. He indicated that the board supports funding excess costs consistently for special education students served out-of-district either in a charter school or a non-charter school. It supports mechanisms for funding special education, with an emphasis on high-need students.

02:26 PM

Rico Munn, State Board member representing the 1st Congressional District, discussed the board's goal for closing the achievement gap. The board supports funding the Closing the Achievement Gap initiative at $1.46 million and said that the board had developed a model for monitoring the achievement gap in school districts. Mr. DeHoff explained the achievement gap model further. He said that 50-70 schools fall under the definition currently. The average achievement gap statewide is 30 percent, so an achievement gap of over 30 percent is considered as having an achievement gap. Mr. Munn indicated that ethnicity and poverty were identified as key measures. Representative Solano noted that mobility rates in schools play a role in an achievement gap. Mr. Munn distinguished between measuring school achievement and an achievement gap.

02:37 PM

Mr. Munn discussed the issue of school conversions and the need to make the statutory process more flexible. He indicated that the board supports a process that allows the State Board and local school districts to develop remedies to address underperforming schools.

02:38 PM

Ms. Suckla said that the board supports increased flexibility in regard to the format and content in the management of the school accountability reports.

02:39 PM

Bob Schaffer, State Board member representing the 4th Congressional District, discussed support for recognition of the board's constitutional responsibility for public schools by requiring the state board to implement legislative directives through rules rather than including details in statute.

02:43 PM

Ms. Suckla also noted the board's priority for exploring the expansion of the Postsecondary Enrollment Options program. Ms. Suckla thanked the committee members for the opportunity to appear before the joint committee. Representative King asked specific questions about remediation and postsecondary enrollment options. Senator Spence noted the difficult funding decisions that lie ahead in deciding priorities and asked if the board had suggestions regarding savings. Ms. Suckla and Mr. Polis responded to Senator Spence's comments.

02:48 PM

Senator Windels thanked the State Board members for their presentation.

02:50 PM

The committee adjourned.