Date: 02/02/2006



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:52 AM -- Call to Order

Senator Takis, Chair, called the meeting to order.

09:52 AM

Senator Isgar, prime sponsor, explained the provisions of SB 06-010, concerning the appearance of a commercial vehicle's owner in a court hearing concerning a permit or documentation violation. The bill amend statutory provisions regarding the violation of commercial vehicle permitting or documentation. Under current law, a person committing a violation of Title 42, Vehicles and Traffic, C.R.S., punishable as a misdemeanor, pretty offense, or misdemeanor traffic offense, may be served a summons and complaint and directed to appear in a specified county court. This person has generally been the commercial vehicle operator. Senator Isgar also explained a prepared amendment L.001 (Attachment A) that strikes everything below the enacting clause and substitutes different language (Attachment A). Amendment L.001 requires that the Department of Transportation to provide the option to a company filing for a permit to file a consent waiver that enables the company to designate a company representative to be a party of interest for a violation. Senator Isgar also stated that SB 06-010 came out of the Transportation Legislation Review Committee.

The following persons testified:

09:55 AM --
R.J. Hicks, representing Colorado Motor Carrier Association, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Hicks explained prepared amendment L.001 (Attachment A). Mr. Hicks answered questions from committee members.

09:59 AM

Senator Isgar made closing comments for SB 010 and stated that the it is necessary to continue looking into the process further. He also said that amendment L.001 (Attachment A) may require a revised fiscal note. Senator Isgar asked that the bill be laid over until the revised fiscal note is complete.