Date: 01/19/2006

Discussion of Revenue and Capital Projects


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08:36 AM

The chairman opened the floor for a general discussion regarding sources of revenue for capital projects. The committee discussed the use of COPs for future capital projects, and the ramifications of using this sort of financing instrument. The discussion turned to methods of funding capital construction projects in recent years and the need to diversify funding sources going forward. The committee instructed Legislative Council Staff to prepare a memorandum for the committee regarding the implications of seeking funds from other sources, such as funds earmarked for transportation.

The chairman next referenced a letter he received from Representative Plant, Chairman of the Joint Budget Committee, regarding a FY 2006-07 budget request for a new Colorado Bureau of Investigation facility on the Western Slope (Attachment H). The chairman then mentioned that the next committee meeting would be on Thursday, January 26, the time yet to be determined.

08:56 AM

The meeting was adjourned.