Date: 01/25/2006

BILL SUMMARY for HB06-1074


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Moved amendment L.002 (the amendment removes the fPass Without Objection

01:50 PM -- House Bill 06-1074

Representative Solano, prime sponsor, explained that House Bill 06-1074 extends the statutory waste tire recycling fee.

The following persons testified:

01:53 PM --
Ms. Marjorie Griek, Colorado Association for Recycling, testified in support of the legislation and distributed a packet of materials on recycling to the committee members (Attachment A). Ms Griek commented that the tire fee is the only statutory fee for recycling in Colorado. The fee supports a statewide effort to limit illegal tire-dumping.

02:05 PM --
Mr. Jack DeBell, University of Colorado, commented on the reasons that tires are difficult to recycle. This is one of the greatest challenges for the university's recycling programs. Mr. DeBell commented on the uses for recycled tires. As examples, Mr. DeBell said that recycled tires can be used for interstate sound-walls and crumb-rubber for playground purposes.

02:11 PM --
Mr. Jeremy Jimenez, testified in support of the legislation.

02:14 PM --
Dr. Robert Amme, University of Denver, testified in support of the legislation and discussed uses for recycled tires.

02:23 PM --
Ms. Cornelia Snyder, representing Safe Tire, testified in support of the legislation. Ms. Snyder commented on the many uses for recycled tires. Ms. Snyder commented that one use is gravel replacement for septic systems and another use is mulch for landscaping purposes. Astro-turft can also be made from recycled tires. Tires are some of the most recycled products in the county.

02:42 PM --
Ms. Margaret Cozzens, Colorado Institute of Technology, and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, testified in support of the legislation and distributed a handout on recycling projects (Attachment B).

02:53 PM --
Mr. Dave Brown, Colorado Recycles, distributed a handout and testified in support of the legislation.

02:56 PM -- Mr. Rusty Cole, Snowy River Tire, testified in support of the legislation and talked about the bill's ability to clean up illegal tire dumping.

03:01 PM -- Ms. Ann Marie Jenson, Colorado Association for Recycling, testified in support of the bill.

After a brief committee discussion, Representative Solano distributed amendment L.002 to committee members (Attachment C). Representative Vigil, Chairman, placed the bill on the table for action. Representative Marshall moved amendment L.002 (the amendment removes the fiscal impact by deleting provisions that allow grants and incentives from the Waste Tire Cleanup Fund to be awarded to private enterprises or used for private projects). The motion passed without objection by those members present. The bill was taken off the table and placed on the calendar for Thursday, January 26, 2006, to allow time for a memorandum that addresses the passage of L.002 and the fiscal impact to be drafted.
TIME: 03:06:13 PM
MOTION:Moved amendment L.002 (the amendment removes the fiscal impact by deleting provisions that allow grants and incentives from the Waste Tire Cleanup Fund to be awarded to private enterprises or used for private projects). The motion passed without objection by those members present. The bill was taken off the table and placed on the calendar for Thursday, January 26, 2006, to allow time for a memorandum that addresses the passage of L.002 and the fiscal impact to be drafted.
Not Final YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection