Date: 02/21/2006

BILL SUMMARY for HB06-1344


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:49 AM -- House Bill 06-1344

Representative Plant, bill sponsor, provided an explanation of the provisions of HB 06-1344 regarding authorization of domestic partnerships for same-sex couples. He indicated the bill also addresses dissolution of a domestic partnership.

11:54 AM

John Chisei, spoke in support of the bill and provided the details of his partner's death and to problems he had being legally recognized after his partner's death.

12:02 PM

Elizabeth Bryant, Esq., spoke in support of the bill. She spoke to her experience as an attorney involved in estate planning for gays and lesbians and to the issues current law raises. She spoke to the lack of estate planning and to how that affects inhabitancy for gays and lesbians.

12:06 PM

Tim Sagan (Attachment E) and Ken Hoole spoke in support of the bill. Mr. Sagan provided information on his partnership with Mr. Hoole and he spoke to the legal inequities he and Mr. Hoole face as a same-sex couple.

Mr. Hoole spoke to problems related to health insurance and other benefits he and Mr. Sagan have faced as a same sex-couple (Attachment F).

12:12 PM

Phil Campbell, Colorado Clergy for Equality, spoke in support of the bill. He spoke to the need for the guarantee of equal protection under the law as provided in the bill.

12:16 PM

Carmah Lawler spoke in support of the bill. She spoke to the prevalence of same-sex couples in Colorado and to the lack of legal protections for these partnerships.

12:21 PM

Nelson Bock, Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, spoke in support of the bill. He spoke to the need for legally-recognized relationships for same-sex couples with rights and recognition in Colorado.

12:24 PM

Jeffrey Shaw, Colorado Stonewall Democrats, spoke in support of the bill (Attachment G).

12:25 PM

Michael Brewer, Equal Rights Colorado, spoke in support of the bill. He provided the details of problems same-sex couples have had in Colorado with regard to benefits, insurance, medical care, and inheritance.

12:29 PM

Georganne Bley spoke in support of the bill. He spoke to the problems she and her partner have had providing benefits for each other under their existing policies.

12:32 PM

Peter Gross spoke in support of the bill.

12:33 PM

The bill was taken off the table.