Date: 01/23/2006

BILL SUMMARY for HB06-1103


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

04:19 PM -- House Bill 06-1103

Representative Green, sponsor, presented the bill about residential care rental agreements. The bill specifically targets resident charges after the date of death. Amendment L.004 was distributed to members (Attachment I).

The following persons testified.

04:23 PM --
Arlene Miles, Colorado Healthcare Association, discussed standard nursing home policies regarding rent charges. She stated nursing homes do not lease their rooms. She discussed retirement center policies regarding rent reimbursement. Representative Green stated the bill was not brought as a political issue. Ms. Miles suggested changes to the bill, including eliminating the 12-point font, front page statement requirement and targeting entities that have lease agreements. Representative Riesberg discussed his interpretation of the bill. He stated that as a former long-term care facility admissions officer, his facilities had only month-to-month leases.

04:42 PM --
Jack Duffy, AARP, spoke in support of the bill. He stated the AARP is focusing on improving transparency for consumers. He described consumers' approach to long-term care contracts. It is an emotional time for families and sometimes they do not take the time to read contracts thoroughly.

04:51 PM --
Jayla Sanchez-Warren, Area Agency on Aging, Denver Regional Council of Governments, stated her support of the bill. Representative Stafford stated concerns regarding the bill's possible effect of creating more consumer problems.

04:57 PM --
Frank Lay, CARA, stated the bill may need some changes.

04:59 PM --
Laura Landwirth, Colorado Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, stated her support for the bill and other similar bills from past legislative sessions.

05:01 PM --
Marilyn Lang, Health Ethics Lobby for Patients, discussed reasons for introducing the original bill. She described her father's assisted living contract and costs charged to him after discharge.

05:07 PM --
Michael Drake, Colorado Senior Lobby, spoke in support of the bill.

05:09 PM

Representative Boyd pulled the bill off the table for action on Monday, January 30. The committee adjourned.