

Time:07:46 AM to 08:51 AM
Place:HCR 0107
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Merrifield
This Report was prepared by
Cathy Eslinger
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Colorado School of Mines
Civic Mission of Schools

07:46 AM

The meeting was called to order by the co-chairman, Representative Merrifield.

07:47 AM

Dr. John Trefny, President, Colorado School of Mines, provided a presentation on the performance contract for the Colorado School of Mines and distributed a summary of the a report provided on its performance contract, as well as a copy of the full report (Attachments A and B). He provided background on the "exemplary status" granted to the Colorado School of Mines in 2001, subsequently establishing it as the first institution to operate under a performance contract. Its current five-year contract is scheduled for renegotiation in 2007.

07:51 AM

Dr. Trefny highlighted the goals in its performance contract and noted the compliance that the school shows in meeting all of its admissions requirements. Its six-year graduation rate of 67 percent exceeds the minimum requirement of 60 percent in the contract. He responded to questions about the rate of admissions. Dr. Trefny discussed the placement rates for its graduates and the positive employer feedback received by the institution.

07:57 AM

Dr. Trefny indicated that an advisory board has been established, which meets periodically with the Board of Trustees. As he continued his presentation, he discussed the current transfer agreements that the Colorado School of Mines has with Red Rocks Community College and the school's progress toward transfer agreements with additional community colleges. Dr. Trefny discussed the school's pledge and progress toward goals for increasing its endowment, its sponsored research, and its funding for financial aid. Its initiatives in research were also reviewed, as were its program for visiting committees.

08:04 AM

Dr. Trefny reviewed areas for improvement that the school has identified. Colorado School of Mines seeks to continue to improve its students' scores on Fundamentals of Engineering and is seeking standardized examinations for non-engineering subject areas. Dr. Trefny responded to questions about its high standards and its enrollment growth at a time of concern with students' math aptitude. He noted that growth in applications has largely been from out-of-state applicants. He spoke to the school's outreach programs for K-12 teachers as well.

08:11 AM

Dr. Trefny discussed the current search process for a new president, in preparation for his retirement. The Board of Trustees determined to act as a search committee, which Dr. Trefny indicated had caused some concern among faculty. In response to a question about job placement for graduates, Dr. Trefny discussed the fact that over 50 percent are placed in Colorado, with an even higher percentage usually wishing to remain in Colorado. The committee asked additional questions concerning its work on transitions for high school students and its initiatives for student retention.

08:20 AM

Dr. Trefny presented the school's tuition proposal for FY 2006-07, which recommends a per credit hour increase of 2.5 percent for all students. It also recommends implementing the third phase of the school's five-year tuition restructuring plan for resident undergraduate tuition by increasing the full-time tuition status for resident undergraduate students from 12 to 13 credit hours. He stated that its restructuring plan helps the school advance toward its goal of eliminating all reserve spending for school operations by FY 2007-08.

08:26 AM

Senator Windels commended Dr. Trefny's leadership and service upon his pending retirement. She referred to several initiatives undertaken during his tenure as president.

08:30 AM -- Civic Mission of Schools

Congressman David Skaggs and Jill Conrad, Colorado Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, came to the table to update the committee on the status of civic education initiatives. Three hand-outs were distributed (Attachments C through G). Congressman Skaggs said that he is the national director for the Civic Mission of Schools. He provided background on the origins of the initiative. He discussed the role of civic learning and public education in a democracy. He discussed the various ways that civic education takes place beyond a curriculum and noted the grants that the campaign has received.

08:38 AM

Ms. Conrad responded to questions regarding the campaign's role in supporting the state appropriation that was made for civic education for FY 2005-06.

08:39 AM

Byron Pendley, Colorado Department of Education, discussed the new initiative for civic education and indicated that stakeholders had been assembled in preparation for allocating the funds. He said that professional development was identified as the top priority. He said that two regional conferences have been held so far and have primarily targeted secondary school teachers and administrators. Conferences for elementary school personnel are also planned. He indicated that a catalog of providers of civic education curriculum has been published and offered to schools. Mr. Pendley indicated that about 25 school districts are participating in the initiative so far. Barbara Miller, Center for Education in Law and Democracy, also commented on her perceptions and participation in the initiative.

08:45 AM

Congressman Skaggs made final comments and expressed appreciation for the General Assembly's support of the initiative. Representative Todd commented on her experience as a middle school teacher. Senator Windels discussed plans for a resolution on civic education to be introduced in the General Assembly.

08:51 AM

The committee adjourned.