Date: 03/02/2006



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:23 AM -- Senate Bill 06-192

Senator Groff, prime sponsor, explained the provisions of SB 06-192, concerning a task force on drunk driving. The bill creates a 10-member task force to study the regularity of drunk and impaired driving incidents and specifies membership on the task force. The task force is required to meet regularly to investigate methods of reducing the incidence of drunk driving and to develop recommendations to the General Assembly. He distributed prepared amendments L.002 (Attachment C) L.003 (Attachment D) and L.004 (Attachment F).

The following persons testified:

11:33 AM --
Gaylen Matzen, representing Mother Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), testified in support of the bill. She stated that SB06-192 will make the roads and highways of Colorado safer.

11:35 AM --
Patsy King, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She told her personal story of the death of her brother by a drunk driver in 1999.

11:38 AM --
Diane Reimer, legislative liaison, Department of Revenue (DOR), testified in support of the bill.

11:39 AM --
Herman Stockinger, legislative liaison, Colorado Department of Transportation, testified in support of the bill.

11:40 AM --
Carolyn Devies, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She told her personal story of the death of her daughter by a drunk driver in 2004.

11:47 AM

Senator Groff made closing comments for SB 06-192 and answered questions from committee members concerning who has the authority to appoint the member of the task force. He stated that the bill states who will serve on the task force. Committee discussion ensued regarding the appointees to the task force.

11:56 AM

Committee discussion ensued regarding the option of taking the SB 06-192 off the table to work on amendments concerning the appointees to the task force.

12:00 PM

Senator Takis announced that SB 06-192 will be laid over for action only and is scheduled for a committee meeting on Thursday, March 9.

12:01 PM

The committee reccessed.