Date: 01/18/2006

Oversight Presentation of Dept. of PHE


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11:45 AM -- Oversight Presentation by the Department of Public Health and Environment

Dennis Ellis, Executive Director, Department of Public Health and Environment, distributed his biography (Attachment C) and began his presentation by addressing bioterrorism issues. He stated Colorado was the first state to pass a bioterrorism law. In recent years, the department's bioterrorism focus has been on a possible Avian Flu pandemic. The department is currently working to refine their plan to handle such a pandemic. He discussed the possibility of eliminating the department's vehicle emissions program. The program currently requires Denver metro area residents to have their vehicle emissions tested periodically. At this time, very few vehicles fail the tail pipe test. Because the metro area is now in compliance with air quality standards, the program in no longer necessary. Mr. Ellis and Howard Roitman, Environmental Programs Director, answered questions about how counties may currently drop out of the vehicle emissions program. Mr. Ellis discussed state contracts with Envirotest, the emissions tester.

11:55 AM

Mr. Ellis discussed the state's recently increased immunization rates. He described grants to local agencies to enhance immunization availability and services. One local program allows parents to bring children to fire stations to receive their immunizations. By 2010, the state hopes to have a 80 percent childhood immunization rate. Mr. Ellis discussed tobacco tax funding for public health programs such as the Tony Grampsas Program's smoking prevention efforts among youth. Other programs are granting money to reduce rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease and reduce health disparities experienced by minority populations. Senator Traylor commented on the state's childhood immunization tracking system.

12:07 PM

The joint committee adjourned.