Date: 01/05/2006

Mesa State College - FY 2006-07 Requests


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02:20 PM

Mr. Tim Foster, President, Mesa State College (Mesa State), and Ms. Lena Elliott, a member of Mesa State's Board of Trustees, presented the college's FY 2006-07 capital development requests. Mr. Erik van de Boogaard, Assistant Vice-President of Facilities for Mesa State, and Mr. Mike Feeley, Mesa State Trustee, joined them later. Mr. Foster provided overviews of the Business Information Technology Center project and the Campus Services Building SB 92-202 project. The committee was presented with written responses to staff's questions regarding the capital projects (Attachment K) and maps of Mesa State's Recreation and Athletics Master Plan (Attachment L). During presentation of these overviews, Mr. Foster discussed the plan to relocate a Colorado Bureau of Investigation forensics center to Mesa State's campus. Mr. Foster responded to a question regarding certain aspects of the project design. Mr. van de Boogaard and Mr. Foster responded to a question regarding phasing of the projects.