Date: 02/15/2006

Briefing on Geology Issues


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08:12 AM -- Geology Issues in Colorado

Logan MacMillan, American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), explained that the AIPG monitors the regulatory environment, provides training for professional geologists, assist with public land management planning, and provides public education about geology issues. He explained that AIPG works closely with several divisions in the Colorado Department of Natural Resources including the Colorado Geologic Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

08:32 AM

Mr. MacMillan identified geologic hazards in Colorado including rock falls, expansive soils, and geologic faults. He also described geologic data available from water well logs and oil and gas drilling data that is available to the public. He summarized methods for protecting ground water resources from oil and gas development, such as casing. He also responded to questions from the committee regarding state certification of professional geologists and the importance of sound geologic information in making public land management policies.

A copy of the "Home Buyers' Guide to Geologic Hazards" from the AIPG was distributed to the committee. Contact the AIPG for a copy of this document.

08:43 AM

The meeting was adjourned.