Overview of Federal Education Funds Received by Colorado


Action Taken:

09:13 AM

Karen Stroup, Chief of Staff, Colorado Department of Education; Vody Herrmann, Director of Public School Finance, Colorado Department of Education; and Pat Chapman, Director of Federal Consolidated Grants, Colorado Department of Education, came to the table to provide an overview of federal education funds received by Colorado. Ms. Stroup commented on federal funding of education, noting that federal funding represents less than 10 percent of the department's total funding.

09:14 AM

Ms. Herrmann began the presentation, referring to a handout (Attachment A), entitled "Federal Grant Activity FY2001-02 to FY2005-06." She walked the committee through the handout, highlighting the totals. She provided a second handout (Attachment B), from the President's budget proposal, which provides an overview of the purpose of each grant. She went on to explain that there are three programs that account for a large portion of the federal funding: Title I at $123 million; special education at $138 million; and nutrition at $72 million.

09:18 AM

Mr. Chapman spoke to increases in funding received under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) programs. He noted that much of the increase has been targeted to the highest poverty areas, so, over the past few years, he said, there are some "winners" and some "losers." He remarked that much of the increase has been to the Title I program. He noted that some other programs that reach all school districts have been cut and are threatened for elimination. He said that the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) cannot increase the amount used for administration, even though the administrative responsibilities have dramatically increased. All districts, he said, have increased responsibility under the accountability provisions of NCLB and rural districts have begun to lose funding as more money is targeted to high-poverty areas.

09:21 AM

Mr. Chapman noted, in response to a question from Representative Penry, that some districts have seen funding decreases under NCLB in the last two years. Senator Windels asked if there had been an analysis of how the funding aligns with required mandates. Mr. Chapman responded that an analysis had not been done, but that districts are asked to set aside federal funds to fulfill NCLB responsibilities. Mr. Chapman responded to follow-up questions from Senator Windels regarding NCLB responsibilities and funding. Mr. Chapman described the historical use of Title I funds to hire teachers and the current uses of those funds.

09:26 AM

Ms. Herrmann, in response to questions from Representative King, noted that all of the federal grants come with requirements and are specific purpose grants. Mr. Chapman provided further clarification regarding discretion in spending grant funds and responded to follow-up questions regarding whether all school districts apply for grants or whether some school districts decide not to apply. He noted that CDE makes a concerted effort to assist districts in applying for grants.

09:32 AM

Ms. Herrmann noted that a spreadsheet is available that shows all funds each school district receives. Mr. Chapman said, in response to a question from Representative Merrifield, that the Reading Excellence and Bilingual programs were eliminated under NCLB. He responded to follow-up questions from Senator Windels and Representative Merrifield regarding the programs. Mr. Chapman responded to questions from Representative Pommer about Learn and Serve and the Migrant Even Start Programs. Ms. Stroup noted that specific questions about the grants would be best answered by the experts in the department.

09:39 AM

Mr. Chapman said, in response to a question from Senator Bacon, that very few of the programs require a state or local district match. Mr. Chapman responded to additional questions from Senator Spence regarding the Migrant Even Start program. Mr. Chapman noted that there are two additional programs for migrant students that provide funding for migrant students. Ms. Herrmann provided further clarification, referring to Attachment A. Ms. Stroup provided further clarification. Ms. Stroup responded to a question from Senator Windels about Educational Technology State Grants noting that no alternative funding has been identified, but that CDE is looking for funding.

09:43 AM

Representative King asked about the Library Services and Technology Act, Ms. Stroup responded, noting that administration is formulated in the grant. Ms. Herrmann provided further clarification, noting that there is often contracted services included in administration. Senator Anderson commented that all of these funds are custodial funds over which the state has no control. Senator Windels made further comments regarding the programs, including the Learn and Serve program.

09:47 AM

Senator Windels reiterated her earlier question regarding adequate federal funding of NCLB, asking again if the panel, as administrators of NCLB, believes NCLB is adequately funded. Mr. Chapman responded, noting that some correction is expected when NCLB is reauthorized. He mentioned assessment moneys and required programs. Ms. Stroup noted that CDE is struggling to respond in the way districts expect them to respond. She commented that this impact is most likely magnified at the district level. Senator Windels made follow-up comments.

09:53 AM

Ms. Stroup noted that CDE stays in close contact with Pat Chlouber, the federal regional NCLB representative, and that CDE is in close contact with districts to identify issues, in response to a question from Senator Spence. Senator Windels asked if the state has applied for any NCLB waivers. Mr. Chapman responded that CDE is working on an amended state plan, which will be submitted in January, asking for flexibility in several areas. Senator Windels made follow-up comments about waivers. Mr. Chapman responded, saying that the state has taken advantage of all additional flexibility granted. Representative Merrifield asked for additional clarification on waivers. Mr. Chapman responded, commenting on the work of the hub committee.

09:59 AM

Ms. Stroup said that there is a staff member at CDE who helps school districts apply for Medicaid dollars, in response to a question from Representative Pommer. Mr. Chapman, in response to a question from Senator Spence, said that Bill Windler is the NCLB contact at CDE.