Briefing Department of Labor and Employment


Action Taken:

01:37 PM -- Briefing by the Department of Labor and Employment

Jeff Wells, Executive Director, Department of Labor and Employment, discussed the status of the department. He provided two handouts to the committee (Attachments A and B). He discussed the purpose and activities of state "workforce centers." He briefly discussed the workers compensation program within the department. He responded to questions from the committee concerning the departments's work in helping unemployed workers find employment and the issue of "underpayments" of compensation to injured workers. He provided an overview of the activities of the Division of Labor. He responded to questions from the committee concerning underpayment of wages.

02:32 PM -- Mike McCardle, Division of Labor, responded to questions from the committee concerning wage disputes. The division cannot force payment of owed wages through any means other than mediation including small claims court or fines against the employer for underpaid wages. He explained the mediation process to the committee. He discussed the division's efforts to reach out to the hispanic community to assist day wage laborers who have disputes with their employers.

02:46 PM

Mr. Wells returned to discussion of the department's activities including the Division of Oil and Public Safety and the Employee Data System. He responded to questions from the committee regarding the cleanup of underground oil storage tanks.