Committee Discussion and Recommendations


Action Taken:

03:30 PM -- Committee Discussion and Recommendations

Representative Borodkin began the discussions on committee recommendations. Senator Bacon indicated that it may be difficult to come up with legislation at this point, but he stated that discussions on the issues should continue beyond the committee. He discussed that there are things that the state should not do and that the state should have a list for long-term goals. He noted that the state needs to do a better job of knowing how enterprise zones are working and needs to continue to look at funding for education Colorado citizens.

Representative Borodkin indicated that the Office of Economic Development and International Trade is putting together information on enterprise zones to the committee. She also discussed the need to have a permanent economic development committee.

Representative Massey indicated that he would like to carry his film incentive bill again this session to encourage more films in Colorado. The legislation was watered down considerably last session.

Senator Bacon again discussed the need to create a list of economic development programs and policies that the state should not eliminate, what it could modify, and long term economic development goals.

Representative Borodkin discussed her preliminary ideas for legislation, such as an economical development incentive accountability bill and an underutilized business bill.

Representative Massey explained the need to look more closely at the economic impacts of legislation. Representative Lindstrom discussed the need for the committee to be economic development advocates for the state. Representative Borodkin stated that Mr. Tom Clark, advisory board member, discussed the need for a long range economic development plan.

03:44 PM

The committee adjourned.