
Time:08:10 AM to 08:53 AM
Place:SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Hagedorn
This Report was prepared by
Scott Nachtrieb
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Public Wireless Internet Access Survey
Member Laptops
Other Business

08:15 AM

Scott Nachtrieb, Legislative Council Staff provided some additional information concerning the survey and the results and how the survey is presented. Some committeediscussion followed

8:18 AM

Michael Adams, Legislative Information Services, answered a question concerning the cost of providing year round or partial year wireless service in the building. He indicated that there would be a difference in cost but stated the difference in cost would be minimal. He added that the staff's goal was to provide the public wireless service at no cost to the state. Senator Teck indicated that the survey should be provided to potential vendors. Representative Paccione indicated that either an RFI or RFP should be done but not both.

8:20 AM

Senator Hagedorn asked the committee if Michael could draft an RFP ab get this done before adjournment sine die. Committee discussion followed.

8:27 AM

Representative Pommer suggested putting up a test site in the cafeteria and then do the RFI after the session is over. Senator Takis questioned if the proposal would be taken to the Executive Committee at its next meeting or wait until later in May or June. Michael suggested that the committee make a recommendation to provide public wireless to the Executive Committee and let the committee know the process of how that would be done.

8:34 AM

Senator Teck moved that the staff work with Senator Hagedorn to provide a recommendation before the Executive Committee at its next meeting that would request RFI be published for an open public wireless system in the Capitol and Legislative Services building and provide the Executive Committee with the process of how that would be accomplished. The motion passed without objection.
8:37 AM

Michael indicated that the roll out of the member laptops was delayed due to legal issue in the contract that the state has with every new vendor that we contract with. He estimated that the contract would be signed with a week or so and that the roll out would probably be done after adjournment sine die. Senator Hagedorn indicated that the committees should meet in late May or early June after the laptops have arriced so the committee members could get their pcs at that meeing..

Representative Crane asked several questions about the selection process to which Michael responded.

Representaive Paccione asked that staff send an email to the committee with the results of the Executive Committee meeting.
8:44 AM

Representative Paccione indicated that a member had gone to a private vendor to obtain a dsl line inside the building. Committee discussion followed about building control, the safety of the electrical system, and what staff should do to provide members the services they need to get legislative work done.

8:47 AM

Meeting adjourned