University Research and Economic Development


Action Taken:

10:51 AM -- University Research and Economic Development, Dr. John Trefney, Colorado School of Mines

Dr. Trefney, President, Colorado School of Mines (CSM), discussed research at the CSM. A copy of the CSM 2004-2014 strategic plan was distributed to the committee (Attachment E). He stated that the research and development capacity of the country - partially fueled by higher education - has helped the United States become an economic leader, but that the country is losing ground to the rest of the world, especially in the high technology fields. He discussed promising areas of economic development, such as high technology, the energy industry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and the environment. He stated that the development of these industries will be aided by university research. He discussed some examples of research being performed by the CSM and its benefits to the economy. He discussed the importance of primary jobs to an economy. He commented that universities have a role and a responsibility in research and in developing the research agenda for society that is in the public's interest. He explained the expensive cost of research and that federal funding does not provide enough resources. The CSM has had to provide some funding for a new research building, which has attracted research. He discussed the need for university research to remain objective.

Senator Bacon discussed the lack of money from the state for capital construction, especially for higher education institutions. Universities should not rely on student fees and tuition for capital construction. Representative Borodkin discussed other alternatives sources of money. Dr. Trefney discussed the funding of projects at the CSM. Representative Borodkin commented on the need to get the message out regarding the needs of and importance of universities.

11:08 AM

Senator Evans discussed how private organizations do most of the research of products and services that are used in the commercial marketplace. Dr. Trefney explained that about 40 percent of the CSM's research is funded by private sources. He explained that the CSM has committees of faculty and industries, as well as research centers that partner with private companies to help set the CSM's research agendas. He stated that many private companies are increasingly turning to universities to do their research. He continued by stating that the CSM is struggling to develop a technology transfer program which can develop products to be sold in the commercial marketplace. He stated that most schools only break even with their research programs. Senator Evans expressed his concern with how the CSM determines its research agenda before it puts money into research. Dr. Trefney explained that much of the CSM's research is pursued by faculty and is funded by private and federal grants. The CSM does an analysis of the technology that is most promising for technology transfer.