Briefing on Colorado's Educational Reform


Action Taken:

07:36 AM -- Briefing by Angela Engel - Reflecting on Colorado's Educational Reform and High Stakes Testing

Representative Merrifield called the meeting to order and introduced Angela Engel who will be reflecting on Colorado's Educational Reform. Ms. Engel introduced herself and distributed a packet of materials related to her presentation today (Attachment A). She provided a Power Point slide show that walked through the history of educational standards and educational reform.

07:47 AM

Ms. Engel responded to questions from the committee about content standards and the value of testing students.

07:52 AM

Ms. Engel continued her presentation stating that her agenda today is not to eliminate CSAP, but rather to talk about how the data collected from these tests is used, and how it could be better used. She added that assessment is a valuable tool, but that the current CSAP should be reviewed for its validity as an assessment and measurement tool. She added that CSAP is a high stakes testing tool.

08:01 AM

Ms. Engel responded to more questions from the committee about her opinion on the NAEP test versus the CSAP. She stated that she had not studied other testing tools like she has studied CSAP, but that critical decisions are made based on CSAP results versus other tests. Representative Merrifield expressed concern that only certain subject areas are tested under the CSAP, and talked about the rigidity of the testing process itself. Ms. Engel responded to a question about how the state should assess students to show that students are meeting standards stating that variety in the assessment mechanisms is a key component.

08:11 AM

The committee continued its discussion of standards and assessments with Ms. Engel.

08:26 AM

Ms. Engel continued her discussion of the performance standards and who develops these standards. She stated her concerns about the business round table being too involved in the development of standards.

08:32 AM

Ms. Engel concluded her remarks. There was additional committee discussion.

08:40 AM

The Joint Committee adjourned.