Closing Comments


Action Taken:

04:07 PM -- Closing Comments by the Chair

Senator Keller asked the committee if there was any legislation they would like to draft at this point. Representative McCluskey stated that he would like to bring up his hospital acquired infection bill again and that only minimal changes should need to be made. Senator Keller polled the committee about whether an acquired infection bill should be drafted for the September 27 meeting. The members present concurred. Representative Frangas mentioned he would be interested in a bill to fund trauma care, and the committee decided that would be better left to the Auto Insurance Committee because they are currently working on that issue. Representative Frangas stated he was also interested in a bill to find alternative ways for funding trauma care.

Senator Keller informed the committee that the next meeting would be held on September 27th and it would address telemedicine issues. The following meeting October 13 would cover the workforce shortage issue. Representative Frangas stated he would also like to look at fortifying urban hospitals. Senator Tochtrop said she would like to have the insurance providers come in to speak because they have yet to explain, from their view, why costs are so high. Representative Todd stated she would like to look at the mental health services for adolescents and Senator Keller informed her that is a huge discussion and it has already been looked into by the JBC and the issue is beyond what the Health Care Task Force is capable to do.

04:17 PM
