BILL SUMMARY for HB05-1346


Action Taken:

01:24 PM -- Recess

01:26 PM -- House Bill 05-1346

Representative Benefield presented HB05-1346 which allows health care providers to lower prices charged to health plans or to consumers in order to meet competition.

01:30 PM --
Len Kalm, representing Health One, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Kalm testified that the bill was brought by one hospital organization, Exempla Healthcare, to selectively reduce or eliminate copays at the Good Samaritan hospital in order to increase demand for the facility. He testified that Good Samaritan was built by Exempla specifically for Kaiser but now Exempla is interested in attracting other paying insurers. Mr. Kalm testified that many other states are trying to pass legislation similar to Colorado's current law which prohibits waiving or reducing copays and deductibles. Mr. Kalm testified that reversing this policy is regressive. He stated that copays and deductibles exist for many positive purposes including quality control. Mr. Kalm responded to questions from the committee.

02:02 PM --
Peg Brown, representing the Colorado Association of Health Plans, testified in opposition to the bill. Ms. Brown clarified that her testimony is on the broad policy implications of the bill rather than on the specific case discussed in previous testimony. She testified that copays and deductibles are important elements of a contract for health care coverage between an employer and employee. Ms. Brown responded to questions from the committee.

02:08 PM --
Rebecca Weiss, representing Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, testified in opposition to the bill. Ms. Weiss responded to questions from the committee.

02:27 PM --
Ms. Debbie Willi-Powell, representing Exempla Healthcare, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Willi-Powell testified that Good Samaritan hospital was excluded from other insurer provider networks. The hospital wants to be available to consumers in that area with health plans other than just Kaiser.

02:32 PM

Representative Cerbo informed the committee that members were needed in the House chambers. Testimony will continue for the bill on Monday, May 2 at 1:30 p.m. The committee adjourned.