Date: 03/25/2015

Presentation from BioGreen


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09:56 AM -- Presentation from BioGreen

Gorge Oteo, President, BioGreen Technologies Inc., introduced himself to the committee and described BioGreen Technologies. The committee received a packet containing a summary of economic benefits of BioGreen, an overview of the company, a letter written supporting the company, and other information (Attachment A). BioGreen Technologies Inc. is a Colorado-based company with the primary goal of supplying natural zeolites to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO).

150325 AttachA.pdf150325 AttachA.pdf

Jake Edson, CEO, BioGreen, introduced himself to the committee and explained why the company is coming before the committee, specifically citing the increase of Nitrogen in the atmosphere as well as damage done by Nitrogen to areas in Rocky Mountain National Park. Mr. Edson explained that BioGreen worked closely with Colorado State University. Nitrogen coming from industrial agriculture has been damaging to Colorado's Parks. Mr. Edson responded to questions from the committee regarding different uses of natural zeolites.

10:13 AM

Christopher Knud-Hansen, Senior Scientist for BioGreen Technologies, introduced himself and explained the formation of natural zeolites to the committee and some of the various applications.

Tanya Kelly-Bowry, representing BioGreen, explained why BioGreen is presenting to the committee and that the company is not involved with any legislation currently.

10:20 AM

Committee discussion ensued regarding BioGreen Technologies and the potential benefits of natural zeolites. Mr. Oteo explained the excavation of natural zeolites and provided information about the type of experts working with BioGreen Technologies.

10:35 AM

The committee adjourned.