

Time:09:51 AM to 04:16 PM
Martinez Humenik
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Neville T.
Neville T.
This Report was prepared by
Katie Ruedebusch
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Presentation from Department of State with Regard to IT Purchased, Implemen
Election of Chair and Vice-chair
Update on Offender Management System Project, Department of Corrections
Presentation from Department of Higher Education on Project Prioritization
Community College of Denver FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
Otero Junior College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
Lamar Community College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
Pueblo Community College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
University of Northern Colorado FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
Colorado State University - Pueblo FY 2016-17 Budget Request
Colorado Department of Transportation FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentatio
Department of Human Services FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation
Department of Public Health and Environment FY 2016-17 Budget Request Prese
Office of Information Technology Presentation on FY 2016-17 Budget Requests
Other Business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Recommendation(s) Approved
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

09:51 AM -- Presentation from Department of State with Regard to IT Purchased, Implemented, and Needs for the Future

Senator Neville, Chair, called the committee to order. A quorum was present. The committee received a packet of information containing FY 2016-17 budget requests and staff analyses

Secretary Wayne Williams, representing the Colorado Department of State (CDOS), came to the table to discuss information technology (IT) projects, issues, and needs of CDOS. Secretary Williams distributed a handout about the organization of CDOS to the committee (Attachment A). He noted that CDOS tries to be proactive by using and deploying newer IT systems and simplifying user interfaces. He highlighted CDOS's Elections Division, Business and Licensing Division, other CDOS initiatives, and CDOS's work with other state agencies.

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Mr. Trevor Timmons, Chief Information Officer at CDOS, came to the table to address committee questions. He discussed how CDOS utilizes multiple internal programs to help CDOS compete, attract, and retain qualified IT employees.

Secretary Williams continued by noting that CDOS currently works with OIT to improve security and streamline IT systems. In response to a committee question, he discussed the new election voting system. He noted that the pilot process and project began under the former Secretary of State. He stated that the voting system has been thoroughly tested and is more accessible. He noted that CDOS is encouraging the counties to deploy the system before the 2016 primaries, but that some counties are moving to the new system after the 2016 presidential election. Also, he discussed the possible funding range and notes it varies due to counties needs and vendors' prices. He stated that CDOS is looking at a ten year lifetime for the technology. Finally, he discussed the recommendations of a recent audit.

10:21 AM -- Election of Chair and Vice-chair

The committee elected a chair and vice-chair. The committee, by unanimous voice vote, adopted Senate rules as the rules of procedure for the committee, except the committee shall not be prohibited from meeting on a day of the week other than is provided in the schedule of committee meetings if needed.
BILL:Election of Chair and Vice-chair
TIME: 10:21:35 AM
MOVED:Neville T.
MOTION:Elect Representative Max Tyler as Chair of the Joint Technology Committee. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0
Martinez Humenik
Neville T.

BILL:Election of Chair and Vice-chair
TIME: 10:23:00 AM
MOTION:Elect Senator Tim Neville as Vice-chair of the Joint Technology Committee. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Martinez Humenik
Neville T.

10:25 AM -- Update on Offender Management System Project, Department of Corrections

Mr. Rick Vyncke, representing the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC), came to the table to update the committee on the Offender Management Information System project. The work to be completed under the project will centralize DOC data to eliminate gaps in DOC's IT systems. He noted the project is on track with its implementation goals. He also discussed the next steps for the project and highlighted Phase 2 and Phase 3. He stated that DOC is not requesting funding this fiscal year because vendor payments are tied to performance, which will not happen until FY 2017-18. In response to committee questions, Mr. Vyncke discussed DOC's implementation of best practices and DOC's willingness to modify business processes to adapt to changing technology. He also noted that some business processes are statutory and cannot be changed without new legislation.

10:37 AM -- Presentation from Department of Higher Education on Project Prioritization

Mr. Andrew Rauch, Lead Finance Analyst for the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE), came to the table to discuss CDHE's prioritization of projects. He noted that CDHE IT projects used to fall under capital construction requests and that CDHE is working on adapting its processes to address specific IT project requests. He stated that this year CDHE had six IT project requests submitted for prioritization and combined IT requests with capital requests when submitting all projects for prioritization to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting (OSPB). In response to a committee question, he discussed cash funds, capital construction funds, and General Fund monies used by higher education institutions for IT projects.

10:57 AM -- Community College of Denver FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Mr. Mike Kupcho, Interim Vice President of Administrative Services and Chief Financial Officer for the Community College of Denver (CCD), came to the table to discuss CCD's IT budget request.

Mr. Chris Arcarese, Director of IT at CCD, came to the table to discuss CCD's IT budget request in more detail. He noted CCD has managed IT projects within its current small budget, but that some CCD IT systems have not been updated in 12 years. He stated that the phone system is a life safety risk. In response to a committee question, Mr. Arcarese discussed the phone system and a possible connection with other community colleges' phone systems. He also addressed limiting the number of devices used by students and the traffic load problems with the wired networks.

11:10 AM -- Otero Junior College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Mr. Patrick Malott, Vice President of Administrative Services at Otero Junior College (OJC), came to the table to discuss OJC's FY 2016-17 budget request.

Mr. Mark Allen, Director of IT at OJC, came to the table to discuss OJC's FY 2016-17 budget request. He noted that OJC's network has had three major disruptions in the last year and discussed all the itemized sections of OJC's budget request. He stated that OJC is working with local school districts to help provide instruction through remote learning.

Mr. Keith Dahl, Chief Technology Officer for the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), came to the table to answer committee questions.

11:21 AM -- Lamar Community College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Mr. Chad DeBono, Vice President of Administrative Services at Lamar Community College (LCC), came to the table to discuss LCC's FY 2016-17 budget request. He gave some context regarding the school and its size. In response to a committee question, he noted that LCC does not have a student IT fee.

Mr. Brian Harris, Director of IT at LCC, came to the table to discuss the specifics of LCC's budget request. He noted that a failure with their core wired hardware caused issues during finals this past week. In response to a committee question regarding saving for depreciation, Mr. Harris noted that the financial situation of LCC prohibits saving for hardware depreciation within current budgets. He also discussed possible partnerships with other educational facilities and private sector institutions.

Mr. Dahl returned to the table to discuss the centralization and points of failure for all community colleges in Colorado. He also noted that only one school, the Community College of Aurora, has a student IT fee. He stated that the Colorado Community College System State Board is hesitant to create any additional fees for students. Committee discussion ensued.

11:52 AM -- Pueblo Community College FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Mr. Jon Brude, Chief Business Officer for Pueblo Community College (PCC), came to the table to discuss PCC's FY 2016-17 budget request. He discussed the current demands on IT at PCC. He stated that PCC, like numerous smaller community colleges, are facing declining enrollment.

Mr. Bryan Crawford, Director of IT at PCC, came to the table to discuss the prioritization of funding within PCC's request. He stated PCC's highest needs are related to core switches and disk storage. He noted that PCC has noticed that students are relying more on wireless networks instead of wired networks.

12:02 PM -- University of Northern Colorado FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Mr. Bret Naber, Chief Information Officer at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), came to the table to discuss UNC's FY 2016-17 budget request. He noted that UNC would like to replace systems all at once, instead of a piece-by-piece replacement. Mr. Nabor noted that UNC does have student IT fees in place, but that underlying hardware replacement is more than the student fees cover. In response to a committee questions, Mr. Nabor stated that the access controllers and switch assessments are critical needs.

12:08 PM -- Colorado State University - Pueblo FY 2016-17 Budget Request

Dr. Lesley Di Mare, President of Colorado State University - Pueblo (CSU-Pueblo), came to the table to discuss CSU-Pueblo's FY 2016-17 budget request. She noted that CSU-Pueblo does have a student IT fee. In response to committee questions, she noted that anytime a system goes down, it leads to increased costs.

Mr. Mark Welte, Manager of Network and Server Systems at CSU-Pueblo, came to the table to discuss the budget request. He thanked the committee for previous funding for a data center and highlighted the specific projects in CSU-Pueblo's budget request. He noted that he needs to speak with other CSU-Pueblo IT departments and students before he can prioritize the IT projects in the request.

Ms. Sarah Zarr, Student Body President at CSU-Pueblo, came to the table to discuss student IT needs at CSU-Pueblo. She noted that student government approves proposed fee adjustments and that she paid $220 in student fees this year.

12:32 PM -- Colorado Department of Transportation FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Ms. Jessika Shipley, came to the table to note that the original request for this project was submitted to the Capital Development Committee, but that it was determined that this request is more suited for the JTC. She distributed the departmental funding request to committee members (Attachment B).

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Mr. Josh Laipply, Chief Engineer for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), came to the table to discuss CDOT's fiber optic infrastructure request. He noted the specific benefits of the project, including better connectivity with New Mexico and local communities. In response to committee questions, Mr. Laipply discussed fiber optic projects on Interstate 25 and Interstate 70 and the benefits of those projects to other state entities. He also discussed the use of federal funds for this project. In addition, CDOT seeks public private partnerships and leasing opportunities for its fiber optic projects.

Mr. Andy Karsian, CDOT Legislative Liaison, came to the table to address committee questions. He noted that by focusing on the area in the request, CDOT plans to achieve better coordination with New Mexico and local community groups, such as hospitals and first responders.

1:00 PM

The committee recessed.

01:34 PM

The committee came back to order.

01:35 PM -- Department of Human Services FY 2016-17 Budget Request Presentation

Ms. Susan Beckman, Director of the Office of Administrative Solutions at the Colorado Department of Human Services (DHS), came to the table discuss DHS's three IT budget requests. She spoke about the mission of DHS and the wide range of services offered and administrated through DHS. She distributed a copy of DHS's presentation to the committee (Attachment C).

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Mr. Herb Wilson, Business Technology Director at DHS, came to the table to discuss in detail DHS's three continuation budget requests: Child Welfare Case Management System upgrade, IT Systems Interoperability, and the Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS) enhancement. He continued by first discussing the Child Welfare Case Management System. He stated the RFP for the project has been submitted and that the next steps will be to award the RFP and to contract and start modernization on Intake modules. Committee discussion ensued regarding county infrastructure systems, module modernization, and county and caseworker stakeholder input.

Mr. Wilson continued by discussing DHS's Interoperability project. He discussed the benefits of this project to DHS clients and caseworkers. He noted that the project is a five-year plan to create an interoperable environment. He stated that DHS is working with OIT on this project. He discussed the progress made on the project to date, the Phase 1 next steps, and upcoming Phase 2 activities.

Mr. Wilson continued by discussing the CHATS enhancement project. He noted this request involves no General Fund dollars; DHS is asking for federal funds spending authority. He discussed the current progress made on the project, additional Phase 1 activities, and Phase 2 next steps. Ms. Beckman responded to committee questions regarding the current system for tracking attendance. Mr. Wilson discussed how the CHATS modernization will streamline the attendance tracking.

02:44 PM -- Department of Public Health and Environment FY 2016-17 Budget Request Prese

Dr. Hugh Magurie, Acting Director of the Laboratory Services Division for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), came to the table to discuss CDPHE's FY 2016-17 budget request. He distributed a fact sheet about the project to the committee (Attachment D). He highlighted the work of the Laboratory Services Division. He discussed the current laboratory information tracking system (LITS) in use and the need for a new system. In response to a committee question, he discussed laboratory fees and the clients who utilize CDPHE laboratory services. He also discussed the error rate in laboratory services.

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Mr. Justin Nucci, CDPHE scientist and Business Technology Liaison, came to the table to address committee questions. He stated that testing has increased in complexity which creates additional scientific burdens on scientists and that the new system will ease their administrative burden.

Mr. Chris Wells, CDPHE IT Director, came to the table to address committee questions. He noted that due to the age of LITS, CDPHE could be at risk of losing federal funds and that much of the cost savings of the potential new system will go towards maintenance. He addressed committee questions regarding the inclusion of newborn screening in the project. Committee discussion ensued considering error rates, contamination rates, and robotics.

03:19 PM -- Office of Information Technology Presentation on FY 2016-17 Budget Requests

Mr. Dan Krug, Budget Director for OIT, came to the table to discuss to OIT's FY 2016-17 budget requests. He distributed a handout to the committee outlining OIT's FY 2016-17 budget requests (Attachment E). He highlighted OIT's four operating requests: Secure Colorado, the CBMS/PEAK annual base adjustment, the End User Configuration Management Tool (ECMT), and the NICHE records management system. He noted the new rollout of software for Secure Colorado to eliminate potential security risks involving onboarding and offboarding employees. Mr. Krug continued by discussing the costs associated with the CBMS/PEAK and OIT's ongoing request. In addition, he highlighted OIT's proposal to complete the purchase and implementation of ECMT. Finally, he discussed the Niche Records Management System and the need for 1.0 FTE.

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Mr. Krug continued by discussing OIT's one FY 2016-17 capital request involving upgrading and replacing the state microwave and digital trunked radio systems. He noted the system has not been updated in 14 years and that this is year two of five for the capital project. In response to a committee question, he discussed whether OIT should receive funding to replace the system all at one time or should instead spread the funding and replacement out over several years.

Mr. William Chumley, Chief Customer Officer for OIT, came to the table to discuss OIT's Five-Year IT roadmaps. He provided a copy of his presentation (Attachment F) and a binder to the committee ( He stated that five-year roadmaps help OIT align strategic directions across the state, allow OIT to plan rather than react to IT issues, help reduce technology debt, and reduce the complexity in meeting compliance requirements. He noted several considerations for a long-term IT outlook and the next steps of the roadmap project. He stated OIT will be contacting state agencies every six months regarding their roadmaps. In response to committee questions, he discussed how OIT is addressing accessibility.

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Mr. Michael Shea, OIT Legislative Liaison, came to the table to discuss potential legislation requested by OIT. He distributed a handout to the committee about the potential legislation (Attachment G).

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04:11 PM -- Other Business

Ms. Shipley returned to the table to discuss other committee business. The committee discussed possible dates and time for future meetings during the legislative session. The committee's next meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2015.

04:16 PM

The committee adjourned.