Date: 07/20/2015

Public Testimony


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04:20 PM -- Public Testimony

Art Goodtimes, San Miguel County Board of County Commissioners, spoke in opposition to legislation that would authorize a carve out for future water development in instream flow water rights. He also recommended that the Colorado Water Plan quantify evaporative water losses from water storage.

04:22 PM

Brad Blake, La Plata County Board of County Commissioners, expressed concern about the potential impact of new transmountain diversions and spoke in support of identifying alternatives to new transmountain diversions.

04:26 PM

Jim Bulckerood, San Juan Citizen's Alliance, spoke in support of the instream flow program and expressed concern about amending the instream flow law to enable future water development. He also spoke in support of the USFS and its efforts to collaborate with local communities on the management of federal lands.

04:29 PM

Lionel DiGiacamo, representing himself, spoke in support of the instream flow program and expressed concern about amending the instream flow law to enable future water development.

04:31 PM

The meeting adjourned.