Date: 01/27/2015

Presentation by the Division of Professions and Occupations


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10:04 AM -- Presentation by the Division of Professions and Occupations

Lauren Larson, representing the Division of Professions and Occupations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies, provided an overview of the division to the committee. She introduced members of the division's staff. Ms. Larson stated that the division regulates nearly 15 percent of the state's labor force. She stated that the division regulates 28 health care professions, which is about 230,000 health care professionals. Ms. Larson referenced the organization chart (Attachment A) that was provided to the committee. She discussed the role the division has in regulating professions that have boards and those that operate under the director model. Ms. Larson discussed licensing fees and how the reorganization of the division in 2013 created efficiencies.

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10:10 AM

Ms. Larson discussed the development of joint regulatory guidelines across professions for prescribing and dispensing opiates. She discussed House Bill 14-1283, concerning modifications to the electronic prescription drug monitoring program. A brochure on the program (Attachment B) was distributed to the committee. Ms. Larson discussed a policy initiative concerning the prescriptive authority of advance practice registered nurses that stems from recommendations by the Nurse-Physician Advisory Task Force for Colorado Healthcare.

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10:15 AM

Ms. Larson responded to questions about potential legislation addressing the prescriptive authority of advance practice registered nurses. She responded to questions about a patient's ability to change physicians if the patient is taking pain medication. The committee dialogued with Ms. Larson about the willingness of physicians to prescribe pain medication. Ms. Larson responded to questions about licensing fees and why professions would request licensure.

10:28 AM

Ms. Larson responded to questions about how efficiencies were realized in the division. In response to a question, she listed the six mental health boards in the division. Ms. Larson responded to questions about the implementation of House Bill 14-1283. She responded to questions about the professions regulated by division, how often sunset reviews are conducted, and the costs related to operating a board program versus a director-model program. In response to a question, Ms. Larson stated that the division does not regulate yoga teacher training schools.