Date: 01/27/2015

Other Business


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07:34 AM -- Other Business

The meeting was called to order. A quorum was present. Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, discussed recent actions by the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) regarding capital projects. The committee received an updated list of FY 2015-16 capital budget requests (Attachment A). Ms. Donaldson discussed four projects that the JBC recommended to be considered by the Capital Development Committee (CDC) as regular FY 2015-16 capital budget requests rather than FY 2014-15 supplemental budget requests. In response to a committee question regarding the projects not prioritized by the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), Ms. Donaldson stated that while these projects were not initially prioritized by OSPB, some of them have been recommended for funding. In response to a committee question regarding the new projects recommended for funding, Ms. Donaldson stated that this does not mean other projects are no longer recommended for funding.

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