Date: 02/20/2015

Update on Building Projects


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01:34 PM -- Update on Building Projects

Senator Newell, outgoing committee chair, called the committee to order. Since a quorum was not yet present, the election of a new chair and vice-chair was postponed.

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Capitol Complex, Department of Personnel and Administration, updated the committee on projects undertaken in the Capitol building. He described the chambers restoration work to date and the work that will be included in Phase III of the project, which is scheduled to begin in May 2015. He discussed the plans to remove the ceiling tile and restore the skylights, based primarily on a 1908 photograph. He added that the restoration of the House chambers will be fully complete in 2016, and the Senate chambers in 2017.

Mr. Shepherd described the restoration of the basement restrooms to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). He explained that the goal is to have ADA-compliant public restrooms on every floor of the building. He also discussed the updates of rooms 271 and 274, which are now a committee room and legislative offices, respectively. He explained that the rooms were originally a legislative library and a law library.

Mr. Shepherd noted that the roof restoration project has been funded and will begin in the summer of 2015. He added that the outer stone of the Capitol will need to be restored soon.

Ms. Bishop and Mr. Shepherd discussed the chambers' stencil work.