Date: 01/20/2015

Department of Corrections 15-16 Requests


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09:34 AM -- Department of Corrections 15-16 Requests

Mr. Steve Hager, Director of Prisons, and Mr. Richard Weems, Assistant Director of Facility Management Services, Department of Corrections (DOC), presented the department's FY 2015-16 capital construction requests. Committee members received written descriptions of the projects, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment E). Mr. Hager introduced the projects, and Mr. Weems provided an overview of the Colorado State Penitentiary II Expansion COP Payment request for FY 2015-16, which is being requested as an operating budget request. Mr. Weems responded to questions regarding the annual cost of the COP payments for the project, and the number of payments left for the project. Mr. Weems discussed the Close Custody Outdoor Recreation Yards, Colorado State Penitentiary capital request. Discussion ensued regarding the court activities associated with the project. Mr. Weems next provided an overview of the Hot Water Loop Replacement, Limon Correction Facility Capital Renewal project.

150120 AttachE.pdf150120 AttachE.pdf

09:45 AM

Mr. Weems responded to questions regarding the reasons why the hot water loop has degraded at the Limon Correctional Facility, and the type of piping used in the loop system. Discussion ensued regarding the failure points in this system, and the anticipated life cycle of the system once it is renewed under the project. Mr. Weems provided an overview of the Colorado Correctional Industries Small Projects cash-funded project for FY 2015-16.

09:57 AM

The committee adjourned.