Date: 10/20/2015

2.c. Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act, 16-0128


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

10:55 AM -- 2.c. Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act, LLS 16-0128

10:56 AM

10:56 AM --
Stanley Kent, former CCUSL Commissioner and testifying for himself, proposed that Colorado enact only the medical decision-making portion of the act as Colorado already has uniform laws enacted regarding financial powers.
10:59 AM --
Steve Brainerd, CBA Trusts and Estate Section, stated that the section has some concerns regarding enforcement of current documents versus documents created under this act. He also indicated that, based on feedback that the section has received, health care facilities are not aware of any current problems with the recognition of medical documents.
The commission consensus was to only pursue the medical documents portion of the act and verified with the CBA Representatives present that the CBA Trusts and Estates, Business Law, and Real Estate sections do not oppose the uniform act as long as it does not include financial documents.
11:09 AM --
Jeremy Schupbach, CBA Director of Legislative Relations, added that the sections of the bar practicing in health law may have objections to the act.