Date: 07/21/2015

Public Testimony


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03:46 PM -- Public Testimony

The following persons testified before the committee:

03:46 PM -- Marshall Pendergrass, Trout Unlimited, introduced himself to the committee and distributed a handout regarding the Upper Ohio Creek Flow Restoration Project (Attachment A). Mr. Pendergrass explained that there are three top priorities Trout Unlimited has for the Colorado Water Plan, including funding for each basin roundtable to adopt a stream management plan (SMP). Mr. Pendergrass noted that Trout Unlimited is opposed to transmountain diversions, but does appreciate the seven point conceptual framework that has been incorporated into the draft plan.

Attachment A.pdfAttachment A.pdf

03:54 PM -- Ken Winckler, Public Works Director, Montrose County, introduced himself to the committee and explained the water uses in the County, as well as the need for water in order to maintain infrastructure.

03:56 PM --
Ralph Files, representing himself, introduced himself to the committee and stated his concern for increased fire danger due to spruce beetle kill in the area as it relates to the water supply and availability. He explained his concerns regarding potential damage to reservoirs caused by wildfires and the difficulty to repair or replace those reservoirs.

04:01 PM --
John Harold, representing himself, introduced himself to the committee and explained his concerns regarding the Colorado Water Plan. He explained that he is concerned about a rate increase for local farmers and stated that the plan should address the cost associated with efficiency in irrigation. He explained that there is little incentive to be efficient on his farm due to the rate increases.

In Response to Mr. Harold's testimony, Senator Roberts explained the process of the Colorado Water Plan, and explained the various ways in which concerned citizens can submit input.

04:08 PM --
Ron Henderson, Montrose County Commissioner, introduced himself to the committee and asked questions regarding the Colorado Water Conservation Board's (CWCB) involvement in developing the Colorado Water Plan. In response, Senator Roberts explained that the CWCB has partnered with the basin roundtables in developing the plan and explained that a CWCB representative will be at the hearing concerning the plan later this evening to answer any further questions concerning the CWCB. Mr. Henderson stated that he would like more stringent conservation downstream and that he would be opposed to further diversions from rivers.

04:15 PM --
Glen Davis, Montrose County Commissioner, introduced himself and explained his concerns about the water plan to the committee.

04:18 PM --
Tom Kay, representing No Chico Brush and himself, introduced himself and explained that No Chico Brush has been awarded grants for conservation projects and on-farm research regarding irrigation efficiencies. He stated that prioritizing efficiency in water irrigation on farms as well as off the farms in the form of research.

04:22 PM --
Dave Wilson, representing himself, explained that he has applied for a permit in order to construct a reservoir system but has not been able to get the permit approved.

04:23 PM

The committee adjourned.