Date: 01/29/2015

Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee


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10:20 AM -- Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee

Senator Baumgardner, Chair, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

10:27 AM

Members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) came to the table. Representative Rankin introduced JBC staff. He referred the committee to page 46 of the FY 2015-16 Staff Budget Briefing Summary (Attachment A), which was distributed to the committee, and described the budgeting process. He said that the JBC first considers the recommendations from the Office of State Planning and Budgeting, then receives detailed briefings from each department and supplemental requests to clear up issues for the fiscal year before the JBC begins final figure setting.

150129 AttachA.pdf150129 AttachA.pdf

Representative Rankin discussed two budget issues raised by the Colorado Department of Transportation. He said that the first issue was that the $700,000 for the FY 2014-15 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program was not spent because the grants were just awarded, and that $550,000 would be moved to the next fiscal year. The second issue was a request from CDOT that money for the "Drive High, Get a DUI" program be awarded directly to CDOT rather than have it transferred to CDOT through multiple departments. Members of the JBC responded to questions from the committee regarding the SRTS program.

Representative Hamner discussed Senate Bill 09-228 funding. She said that 2 percent of the General Fund would be transferred to CDOT in the first year. She responded to questions from the committee regarding the role of CDOT and the Transportation Commission in determining how the funding is spent.