Date: 09/10/2015

Other Business and Calendar Updates


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10:43 AM -- Other Business and Calendar Updates

Mr. Lucas discussed how OIT and Legislative Council Staff (LCS) could give the committee a demo of the state's project process management software at its next meeting. Jessika Shipley, Legislative Council Staff, discussed an LCS memo that had been prepared for the committee on IT accessibility in state government (Attachment C). Matt Becker, LCS, and Michael Shea, OIT, responded to a question on OIT's hiring of a technology accessibility solutions architect.

150910 AttachC.pdf150910 AttachC.pdf

Ms. Shipley discussed upcoming presentations and budget requests that the committee would be receiving in the upcoming months. She also discussed rules that the committee could implement to address its procedures, similar to the Capital Development Committee. Committee discussion ensued.

10:52 AM

The committee adjourned.