Date: 02/03/2015

Presentation by DOR on Marijuana and the HB 14-1366 Report


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11:24 AM -- Presentation by DOR on Marijuana and the HB 14-1366 Report

Barbara Brohl, Executive Director of the Department of Revenue, reviewed the handout (Attachment B) that was provided to the committee. She provided an overview of the constitutional amendments concerning marijuana. Ms. Brohl highlighted the role of the department as the state licensing authority and discussed the marijuana enforcement division.

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11:33 AM

Ron Kammerzell, Department of Revenue, discussed the number of medical and retail marijuana licenses. He referenced the Cole Memorandum issued by the U.S. Department of Justice. He reviewed the department's regulations that were established to help protect minors from marijuana. Mr. Kammerzell discussed the department's efforts to limit criminal activity related to marijuana. Mr. Kammerzell responded to questions about ownership interest requirements for dispensaries. He discussed the department's efforts to limit the diversion of marijuana to bordering states.

11:43 AM

Lewis Koski, Department of Revenue, discussed the department's inventory tracking system for marijuana and responded to questions about the system. He discussed the retail testing program and the testing facilities for marijuana. Mr. Koski discussed the department's rule-making process and guiding principals.

11:53 AM

Ms. Brohl responded to questions about the number of plants allowed for a patient or caregiver. Mr. Kammerzell and Ms. Brohl responded to questions about the department's rule-making authority concerning marijuana.

11:59 AM

Ms. Brohl discussed the House Bill 14-1366 Marijuana Edibles Work Group Report (Attachment C) and the handout on the report (Attachment D). She outlined the House Bill 14-1366 Stakeholder Working Group, the report structure, and the report's table of contents. She highlighted Appendix Q of the report that provides a summary of sub-recommendations by category. She reviewed the four strategic options for the legislature to consider concerning edible marijuana products. Ms. Brohl discussed for the need for clarification of the legislative intent concerning the regulation of edible retail marijuana products and the meaning of "practicable" as the term is used in House Bill 14-1366.

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12:12 PM

The committee discussed the possible need for additional legislation to address edible marijuana products. Ms. Brohl responded to questions about House Bill 14-1366. Mr. Kammerzell responded to questions about edible marijuana retail products that would be difficult to label. The committee continued to dialogue with Ms. Brohl about labeling edible marijuana products and the four strategic options laid out in the report.

12:28 PM

The committee adjourned.